Decision-making Monday

Posted in Daily Outfits.



Thrifted skirt and blouse, Dune shoes, Fossil bag, vintage belt, Me & Zena ring

Okay, okay. I admit. I wore this outfit on Friday. And I made my decision on Saturday. But I can’t resist a little bit of alliteration, so decision-making Monday it is.

My amazing friend Ellie at Pretty Much Penniless recently wrote about her desire to do so many things with her life, and the feeling that she wanted to get started NOW, before life slips away. I can relate to this on so many levels, and it felt very apt to read those words at this particular point.

I’m hoping to make some big changes. To my life, to my career and to my attitude. I know I’ll share them all with you, dear followers, when the time is right. But for now, I’ll set off into unknown territory, as steady on my feet as a newborn Bambi but with just as much enthusiasm.

I hope you’ll wish me luck. And, as always, tell me if you feel the same. Are you making big changes too? Do you wish you could, but feel to scared to jump? We can do it together… I’ll even hold your hand!


PS – This is one of my favourite outfits. Ever. What do you think?

PPS – I need your Wardrobe Wonderings! Ask me a question and I pick one to answer on the blog next week. Then send your photos working my advice and you’ll be featured in all your glory – just like these gals!



I feel the same as you with the big life changes- I’m currently deciding to move back down south, everything is up in the air and its terrifying thinking of leaving my job but I am restless for change! x


you look beautiful! the purple blouse is just splendid, and it goes so perfectly with your yellow skirt.

i’m also hoping to make big changes in my life and in myself. i wish you all the best, lovely. xxx


Gorgeous outfit!

I feel so out of control of my life right now, I’m so desperate for a job so I can learn to drive and think about moving somewhere nice.

Good luck with your changes! xo

Vintage Vixen

Hi Jen!
Beautiful colour combination, love the splash of bright colours on such a grey and miserable day. Where’s your tights? It’s flipping freezing here.
I wish you luck with every move you make, it goes without saying and I’m always at the end of an email if you ever need to sound off about anything.
I’ve always been a ridicolusly rash kind of person, leaping into things without a second thought. Mum’s motto was “No regrets” and my ethos is exactly the same.


I’m the same lovely. I’ve quit working at the shop and am hoping to get into freelance writing… something I’ve always wanted to do, ever since I was little. It’s a scary world out there though, and with no writing experience (aside from my blog) I don’t know if it’ll work out.

But the least we can do is try!

Like you said, I want to do this before it’s too late, before I get to 50 and think ‘why did I stay in that job I hated so much just because it was easy?’

And I LOVE this oustfit! I’m so jealous of your figure, I’d look like a little girl playing dress-up if I wore anything like this outfit.

All the best lovely! And congrats on the followers!


Your outfits always make me smile 🙂 I never would have thought of wearing purple and creamy brown together, but my my it looks devine!

Im excited for you that youve got the wheels in motion and are ready to jump into a new chapter of your life – whatever surprises it may bring. Im in a very similar situation, but Im younger and less wiser than most of my friends and my boyfriend and Im so paranoid about mucking it up 🙁 Sounds silly but watching inspirational movies and listening to nostalgic songs make me feel all giddy inside, and ready to get up and go.

You inspire so many of us and I hope you arent scared of what life is going to bring 🙂 We should all try to meet it with big open arms! xx

E is for Eleanor

Aw Jen, thank you! I love that we’re both thinking of the bigger picture at the same time, it’s great to have someone who’s going through the same thing and having the same feelings.

You’ll make a success of everything you do, I just know it. xx


You are totally rocking the 80s pussy-cat bow vibe. (That’s me trying to be hip.)
The skirt is fab. If I had a waist I’d wear a skirt like that. Slightly high-waisted with the narrow belt.
Just do it. You only regret what you never attempted. Even if it’s a mistake. Mistakes are OK. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
And all that jazz.


that outfit is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!
I’ve got a lot of changes coming, I’m finishing my GCSE’s in 9 days! then its off to sixth form! I’m getting a job… and I’m also planning to start my own blog soon!

Style of a Fashionista

This is my favorite outfit of yours so far too. The skirt is fab and you styled it perfectly and you are wearing heels you look amazing.

I would love to move to America but I get scared even thinking about it. Good luck with your life changing experience and good on you for doing it cant wait to hear more details xoxo


Good luck with your changes! I think I may join you in changing my life as well, so we can do it together. I seriously have no idea where my life is heading!

I love your skirt as well! It’s so pretty.


There must be something in the water! I was having a very similar conversation with a friend this weekend. We were both saying, “I don’t know what, but something has to change.”


Words cannot describe how much I love this look on you!
L x


That outfit is gorgeous and you lucky thing for managing to thrift both bits!!

This time next year I’ll be (fingers crossed!) qualified at work, 2 years after that I’ll be a specialist and able to work anywhere in the world – I’m just kicking my heels until then and it’s soooo frustrating at times! Good luck in whatever you decide to do! 🙂

the crafty currant

this is the most amazing smart summer outfit. I have a fab straw bag that would go with it lovely … keep them coming I need some summer work outfit inspirations x


The outfit looks great, will be interested to hear what changes are afoot! My only life change is my ongoing attempt to move out of HR and into teaching, I’m going unpaid all of August to gain more experience – I must be mad! x


best of luck with whatever you want to do Jen! Im sure you’ll do well whatever! I love the use of colour in your outfit! the purple really works well with the yellow! this might be my favourite outfit on you too!

Disco Goth

I love the purple top, the whole outfit is so cheery and springy! I hope whatever you’re planning goes perfectly and positively =)



I agree, this is also one of my favorites! I love the color combination and the silhouette–so perfect! Best of luck to you! Despite the fact that I finished school in December, I’m still not sure what path to go down so I’m sure you will be an inspiration!

joelle van dyne

i LOVE this outfit! it is one of my favorite you have ever posted. the color combo is perfect, and i love the bow on the blouse, and the pattern of the skirt. everything is perfect.

good luck with whatever changes you are making right now! i know the feeling of wanting to do something and being afraid.. there are a couple of things i’d like to do differently right now, but for various reasons am not. hopefully soon though. ~joelle


This is definitely a favourite outfit of mine for you too! I just love pussy bow tops:)

And so excited for the big changes in your life, I’m so ready for some of my own too!



Wow! This sounds very exciting! (and very vague haha!) I can’t wait to hear about what you’re planning to accomplish 🙂 I totally think it’s an age of transition, so much more possible now to switch careers, lifestyles… anything! Tomorrow – you could quit your job, sell your house and become a nomad. I almost find that sense of possibility very nerve-wracking (as well as liberating!) I have a 10-year-plan. If I’m not happy in my career by the time I’m 30, I’m going to sell up and buy and run a cafe 🙂

Claire @ Jazzpad


Loving that outfit, purple and yellow is my favourite colour combination and the pattern on that skirt is divine.

Totally know what you mean it’s that mid-twenties feeling – I and most of my friends have it to some extent. Good luck, can’t wait to hear about your plans!


Yup agree, this outfit is fab fab fab. And do I spot tanned legs?!

Can’t wait to hear all about the career changes, exciting but nervous times I’d imagine.

X xx

Roo Paprika

Good luck with your big change. Having recently had one myself I am a great believer that life is too short not to follow your hearts and dreams. Good luck!

And that purple shirt is a beauty


i love that yellow skirt, every single time i see you wearing it i get a bit jealous! good luck with your grand plans, can’t wait to hear about them and see them work out


I know how you feel. I’m working all kinds of hours in a job I hate purely to raise enough cash (we’re talking thousands here o.O) to return to University and do a MSc. Plus I’ll have to take a bank loan out. Talk about risky! Hope your big decision pays off too 🙂


I adore this outfit Jen, such a classy and smart work look with that fab blouse

Keep us posted – sounds like there are some major changes ahead for you and I’m wishing you all the best for them. I’m trying to pluck up the courage to consider moving jobs within my organisation but it’s a huge, huge step so might be a longish term aim.


Beautiful! Would never have thought to put such a deep purple with pale yellow but it works brilliantly.
Love the tan accessories too, they never fail. x


All the best for you life changes, Jen! I’m very excited to hear more about them. What can I say? I’ve always been such a rash person, moved between cities, countries and jobs according to my whims that I’m quite proud I have become a bit steadier. But I always feel: Anything is possible! And yay, purple and yellow is always a super catching combination!


Can’t wait to hear more about all of this.

I really love the outfit. Very sophisticated, and such bold colors! Lovely.


i love the purple and cream colors together!
and yes, i feel the same way about my life…theres so much i want to do before life slips away unnoticeably..which is quite scary to think about…but yes, we must find the passion to push us forward and i’m doing exactly just that!

wish us all luck 🙂


Good Luck! This sounds fantastic, I think you are very brave, and right to make the changes now. I started my first real job six months ago, and I really like it, but I started at the same time as a lot of people who are always complaining about how much they dislike it. Everyone likes to have a good moan every now and then, but I want to just shake them and say ‘for goodness sake if you really hate it do something else then!’

I know it’s not always that easy, but at least taking steps towards something different will make you feel happier.

ps that outfit is gorgeous, I love the purple and yellow together.


I’m making a lot of decisions right now… Currently sitting my a-levels, I’m beginning to realise that I will probably not make university next year. Now I have to decide whether I re-sit or bravely step out into the world of work.

Lovely outfit! This blouse is a favourite, I simply adore the colour!

Thanks you for giving me something interesting as a little light relief in-between my constant revision.

Lou x


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