I received a comment last week that really stopped me in my tracks:
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Isn’t this the same problem we have with women’s magazines… and actually, the reason we started blogging in the first place? Weren’t we supposed to represent reality in all its size 12+ glory, warts and all (well, maybe not warts… just Photoshop them out)? When did fashion bloggers stop being individuals and start becoming clones?
Cookie cutter image via CarbonNYC’s Flickr
It was this article by IFB that prompted me to write about cookie cutter fashion bloggers. It seems more prevalent in the American blogging culture, but it’s slowly seeping into UK fashion blogs too. When large communities share similar interests, there are bound to be things everyone has – Disco Pants, ombré hair, a love of cupcakes – and because many fashion bloggers follow current fashion trends, outfits will often have a similar theme and style. The problem comes when bloggers stop trying to put their own individual spin on these shared interests, and mould themselves into a version of their more successful counterpart. If I lose two stone, grow my hair, shell out for a Mulberry handbag and wear more Essie nail polish, could I be the Next Big Blogger?
It’s hard to be completely original. What works on one blog will often work on many others, and picking up on trends can be a great way to bring new people to your site. But if we all conform to one idea of beauty, we risk becoming like the women’s magazines we struggled to identify with in the first place.
What do you think – have you noticed an increase in very similar fashion blogs? Can you spot the originals amongst the clones?
PS – There are many beautiful blogs that feature the things I’ve mentioned – Mulberry handbags, delicious food, Essie polishes – that I love and read often. The difference is the unique way these bloggers present typical ‘blogger’ subjects. And often, when a popular blog gains a vast amount of copycats, the original will grow and develop to become something new.
Ooooh like this, very interesting. Not mentioning any names but YES. The ombre hair and cupcakes bit made me LOL!
Great post I really enjoyed reading it and agree with what you’re saying! Frequently I come across posts that are practically identical to each other but I suppose when everyone has similar interests and styles its going to be hard to avoid! x
I think that brands have a lot to answer for here as well; if everyone is getting the same beauty box or free dress with strict guidelines on how and what to post about them, of course you’ll end up with a lot of cloney posts.
I think individual is great, but it doens’t always prove to be the most “quickly popular” way of blogging – it probably takes longer to become more popular if you post about something away from the crowd, and those who blog with the aim of becoming the Next Big Thing aren’t doing it because they want to stand out of the crowd; they’re doing it because they want to jump right onto that bandwagon!
Totally agree that if brands want to work with bloggers and make their campaigns actually successful, they need to be more creative, give bloggers more freedom and widen the net when it comes to choosing participants.
But then again, I am often asked to participate in campaigns involving lots of bloggers and I often decline because I *know* it will be almost impossible to develop any original content. The campaigns I do get involved in give me that freedom to create something that’s ‘me’ and that reflects my general ethos on life/fashion/whatever. So yes, brands need to think about how they work with bloggers, but bloggers need to put the effort in too.
Great point, really made me think! 🙂
I do think that a lot of style blogs and beauty blogs have become a bit same-y. I get a bit bored of seeing the same products/shoes/ brands reviewed 8-10 times in my reader brings me to a point where I no longer want to keep following. Yes most bloggers have their own tone, but frankly, there’s only so much they can say about a new hair oil or the same pair of leopard print shoes.
Ultimately certain trends and products are always going to be talked about on blogs, so my personal preference has moved towards blogs that are not just fashion or beauty or both, but a mix of lifestyle, fashion, culture, column/current issues to give a bit of bredth and personality to what I read.
Typical blogger? What? *puzzled*
Maybe it’s just me but I only read and comment on blogs by people who have real personalities and ideas.
The PR-type blog leaves me cold. I don’t want advertising dressed up as personal (insincere) opinion.
I love your blog. Even when I don’t share your opinion I still love it. I ESPECIALLY love it then because you make me think.
Thank you, jaljen! I always enjoy and appreciate your comments.
I don’t really notice ‘typical’ blogger stuff on the blogs I read, and that’s precisely why I read them. I do, however, notice it in media coverage of bloggers, in brand campaigns and whenever a very popular blogger is pushed into the spotlight. It might not be prevalent in the blogs we read, but it is definitely there within the community. Well, I think so anyway! 😉
First off, I love you for writing this because I totally agree.
There’s a girl on my uni course who runs a popular fashion blog but it has zero interest for me because she looks like every other “hipster”. It’s all vintage cut-off Levis, long limbs and scruffy hair. I think blogging is “popular” now in the sense that more people are doing it than ever before and, because of this, we are getting more and more clones.
The appeal for a blog like yours or VIPXO is because you girls are unique, have personal style and a great writing style. Sadly, I’m seeing a lot of 18/19yr olds blogging images of 90s grunge and taking photos of their creepers. It makes me sad.
This is SUCH a good post Jen, and so so true.
In some ways, I’m glad I started reading blogs the same time I started my own, and of course we get inspiration from others and what they wear & how they look. I think it is so easy to be like, Lily is wearing that, she’s popular, she’s beautiful, I’m going to do what she’s doing. People don’t understand that, that isn’t the way it is though and purely copying that person isn’t going to make you like them.
My blog was ROUGH when I first started, and if I’m still doing it another 2 1/2years, I’ll probably look back to now and think the same. But I think that’s a good thing, blogs need to grow, to identify their style and what they want. I think too many (probably newer) blogs can see and have read the “popular blogs” and so how to use that and just pretty much copy it.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I see something on someone I love, I’ll buy it and wear it. But it’s this thing where a certain “trend of style” is in and it’s constant through this set of blogs, that seem to know each other very well.
Okay, I think I’ve gone off course a little here. But of course people are going to like cupcakes or ombre hair (I DO!) If they see some one do it/make it/wear it and they see these people as pretty, or having good lives, it’s what you want to be, what you look to achieving. BUT it’s when it’s fake and you’re doing because you think you should, because you believe that’s how you get more readers or followers
And, yes to be 12+ bloggers, and good bye from a size 14 very happy to share my outfits and blog with the world 🙂
I’m glad you’ve written this post Jen, as it was something that crossed my mind a lot recently. I think there are a lot of blogs that have become ‘samey’ over the past few months. I think the problem is that when something becomes ‘popular’ in the blogging world, everybody rushes out to purchase said item, for example the £20 Zara handbag or Revlon lip butters to name two. It did cross my mind that perhaps with newer blogs they feel pressured to blog about things that appear ‘popular’ in order for them to fit into the blogging world and ultimately gain readers etc?
I guess it’s going to be hard to avoid when people read blogs because they like their style etc so are going to be influenced by what they buy/wear and so on, but I much prefer blogs that even if they do follow certain trends they add their own spin to it; try to wear the outfit differently or compare the product to something else. In a world where Primark and other stores are around, I think it’s hard to avoid people ending up with the same items but I personally would always try and find a different way to wear it, to challenge myself if nothing else! xx
I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. I’m a food blogger but I read a lot of fashion blogs. It’s the same with the age thing, there are a lot of 20/21 year olds blogging about the same thing. So I’ve seen 4 different reviews in the space of two weeks for the same products. I want to read about people my age, similar to my size who represent my interests. I feel bad reading about people who make me feel old and fat…so I should probably stop reading. We are in danger of creating a standard blogger and that’s not what blogging is about.
Love this and agree with pretty much all you’ve said. The worst thing I see which really makes me cringe is when someone has obviously tried really hard to copy the writing style of one of the “big bloggers” – it just ruins my reading experience!
Ombre hair and cupcakes are one thing – I mean if you genuinely like them then by all means feel free to blog about them. Seeing the same products reviewed again and again gets tiresome though.
Undoubtedly, one of the main reasons a lot of us enjoy reading other’s blogs is to gain inspiration – but there is a huge difference between seeing something you like, then putting your own twist on it and straight out trying to emulate.
Really enjoyed reading this post 🙂
Great post Jen.
As a ‘beauty blogger’ I find the fashion blogs I read interesting when it comes to this.
There are, as in real life, leaders and followers. Sadly some think that becoming a carbon copy will attract followers and ‘blog fame’ You can tell the ones who decide to use other bloggers to copy.
I do love disco pants, ombré and cupcakes. 🙂
There’s some bloggers who I used to follow or still do whose blogs I don’t red any more – for this reason, and some of my favourite ones I find hard to read because they do a lot of sponsored posts that fit with “blogging cookie cutter moulds” but not with their blog xo
I find myself reading fewer and fewer blogs these days due to similarity of content. Posts which are “in collaboration with…” turn me right off, especially when they crop up one after another, and I feel like I’m seeing too many Instagram round-ups, which can be boring if you already follow people on Twitter. My favourite blog, which is mainly fashion-orientated, is the brilliant Arched Eyebrow (http://archedeyebrow.com/) which basically sticks two fingers up to the copy-cats and size zeros, and is witty and well-written to boot.
I absolutely agree about Arched Eyebrow, I’m a recent follower of her blog and I love it 🙂
I haven’t found any issues with bloggers being ‘size zero’, the blogs I follow are generally a mix. I also tend not to follow beauty blogs which bore me with ‘ooh this month’s glossybox, this month’s new nail varnish, etc’, there is definitely a lack of originality amongst some of them (although there are some very good ones out there too!) there is a limited number of beauty products out there whereas fashion is definitely more open.
I agree that originality and reflecting your own personality is one of the best aspects about reading blogs. I love seeing into aspects of people’s home life, day trips they go on, food they eat, clothes they wear (I’m so nosy!); I don’t want to see a review of something I’ve seen a million times before in a short space of time or fashion looks that I don’t feel like I could recreate myself easily (hence why ‘bigger’ bloggers with designer clothes bore me!)
Bravo. This is one of the reasons we started our site. The other reason was so we could swear like a sailor. Oh, and get all nostalgic about the 90s cos we’re WELL OLD.
Le Blow x
I do agree with you Jen and i’ve only really started following fashion blogs over the last yr. What enticed me to certain blogs was the fact that each blogger put their own individual spin on fashion or purely dressed in a way that they liked no matter what size they were or if it was high fashion. But even I have noticed the difference over the last few months and it does get a bit repetative and boring.
You keep up the good work jen, love your blog and more recently your videos – brill! ;D
I couldn’t agree more. I usually avoid most fashion blogs because they are all very same-y. I also have quite a lot of disdain for the ones which don’t really make any particular point. There is an element of voyeurism in blogging, we want to be nosey and see other people’s lives (and wardrobes), but if you don’t have anything to say then I’m turned off instantly.
A lot of blogs, not just fashion ones, don’t really have any personality. It often puzzles me how blogs which, in my opinion, aren’t well written and are very bland have such huge followings. Perhaps I’m being overly critical.
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I have not blogged long enough to notice originals and copies but I was
discourage when I noticed how many fashion blogs exist. However, I love software and photographs and just as many exist in those categories. I am older and the next trend will just not hold my attention. I need quality and adore historical information on my subjects. I can’t stand the blogs with 15 pictures of one outfit but perhaps a real clothes hound enjoys looking at these pictures.
This is why I love reading your blog Jen. You always come up with new and fresh content and unfortunately this is what the blogging world is lacking lately. There are too many blogs writing about the same thing. I’m tired of reading about glossy boxes. I need something new to read. I’m glad that you search where no one else to looking for content. This is what makes a blog successful. Being unique is so important especially in the saturated world of blogging. We need more blogs like yours!
Interesting article. I never normally conform. Okay so I have Liz Earle cleanse and polish and a revlon lip butter, but I’ll never do an instagram post, or include obvious, over talked about items in my ‘to review’ list. I can’t afford disco pants, or litas- heck I even post an Outfit Of The Day of me in my pajamas because thats what I wore that day.
But then again, my blog will never be successful. I’ve gained a small following in my year of blogging an it will undoubtly remain around this mark. Is this because I don’t fit a perfect mould? Probably.
AMy x
I got into blogging because of the ‘fatshion’ community, which is a totally different sub-culture of blogging which I think only people who are also fat will know about. I follow a few straight size bloggers, and I still find inspiration in the outfits they post but I have noticed a few carbon copies.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this, too…the idea of a generic, size 0 (I think the commenter was talking in American sizes, as an American size 0 is equivalent to a UK size 4!) blogger with the list of characteristics you mentioned and even more (boyfriend who cooks amazing meals, expensive handbag after expensive handbag, a walk-in closet that she deems “small”) pops up very often these days. I guess people see the most popular bloggers, some of the “originals” (not going to name names) and see their slim bodies and trendy styles with all the hot-ticket items as a quick pathway to success. There are always going to be those bloggers who blend in, but honestly, I find it much more refreshing to constantly seek out those who make a conscious effort to remain “original”. I use the word “original” in quotes because the word itself is kind of hypocritical…there’s this quote I really like that kind of sums up how I think about originality. “Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everything I’ve ever known.”
– Samantha
I don’t really think that a girls size and their blog originality is related. I am slim- just because that’s my size, I don’t deprive myself of pizza or anything else I want- and I don’t think that being slim should be seen as a negative. Slim people are real people and real women too.
However I do agree that so many fashion blogs are samey samey. There are so many out there that it can be hard to stand out, especially if you’re one to follow trends. And there is nothing wrong with following trends if thats what you like but it doesn’t make for very riveting reading when a thousand blogs are showing the exact same trends.
I think it’s important to blog for fun and for yourself, so if your blog is the same as loads out there because your style is like that, then crack on. Just don’t expect to become huge and recognised. If your style is a little different then never be scared to embrace that- its exactly that which will make you stand out! xx
Visit The Other Side Of Cool
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Oh absolutely. Originality really has nothing to do with body size, and my point definitely was NOT one against slim ladies. Maybe I should’ve made that more clear… I was trying to show how blogs can so easily go the same way as women’s magazines, where ALL we see are slim, beautiful, rich and often white women wearing expensive clothing and having a brilliant time. It’s that portrayal of the perfect life.
The point I was trying to get across is that bloggers don’t NEED to portray this life if it’s not a realistic representation of themselves. There shouldn’t be a ‘standard’ for fashion bloggers. As a size 12, I shouldn’t be an ‘alternative’ to the typical fashion blogger. I’m actually going to do a little bit of editing on that point as I REALLY don’t want to cause confusion there!
Thanks for pointing it out, and for your insightful comments 🙂
Don’t edit on my account! I totally agree with everything you said, just the comment about size from your reader that got me thinking. And even then, they’re totally entitled to their opinion! xx
Visit The Other Side Of Cool
Tweet me! @othersideofcool
Not at all – even if you weren’t responding to my words, I was a bit woolly with my meaning so just tidied it up a little bit. Glad you weren’t offended by what I said, though 🙂
This is a very interesting post. I think a lot of new bloggers try and stick to a certain style because they’ve seen it in older, more ‘popular’ blogs, thus a whole load of very similar blogs get churned out! x
Sirens and Bells
I am beginning to believe more and more that this is true – I received a comment that said ‘finally a blogger who looks like an actual woman’ I was a little shocked but I suppose with a lot of blogs using it as a platform for modelling/acting etc I think ‘real people’ bloggers are becoming a bit of a novelty when your blog is meant to be a way to express yourself!
Ah you read my mind and produced another great opinionated post! I know blogs came about to give everyone a voice and to provide an alternative to the monotonous, airbrushed mags but yet again, the ‘popular’ bloggers that tend to be featured by the press all seem to look the same (skinny, long hair), dress the same and write similar content. I notice a specific style in US blogs, which turns me off some of them slightly (I tend to stick to a few old favourites whose style has more or less stayed the same) and prefer the down-to-earth nature of UK blogs, though there are a few styles that are starting to become prevalent. It really annoys me when the media focuses on a certain genre as it can misrepresent the whole community and put people off us before they’ve properly looked.
Even though we do all share similar interests, I agree that bloggers need to try harder to put their own stamp on things and show their individuality. After all, that’s the whole point, so it’s best to take something you like (say an Instagram post) and really make it reflect how you spend your day to day moments and help your readers get to know you better. I think I remember seeing an illustrated Glossybox review, which was a really nice way to write about such a common topic. A blog definitely has to have something unique about it to make me follow and in turn I strive to make mine reflect my current point of view.
Ah brilliant post Jen.
Can’t really top Kbel’s post but I totally agree with the whole point about originality. We all started blogging to share our thoughts with like minded individuals and of course, this also reflects in our love for certain things like you mentioned. So blogging about things that are more relevant to us as individuals are all the more important – I’d hate to think I’d turned into a clone!
interesting post and I’m sure a lot of people would agree with you that there is a slowly emerging beauty and fashion blogger stereotype.
one day my friend said she saw a girl with disco pants and jc litas. “definately a blogger”
I feel like, in the fashion blogosphere, sometimes there’s a wave of trends. Now and then, you see a hundred bloggers wearing the same exact products all over the community and you can’t help but wonder where’s the originality. Now, I must confess I have often included myself in this mass-stylization or however one can call it. I guess individuality will be achieved by those who want to be different (but not just for the sake of being different). As for the reason why so many blogs end up feeling like they’re the same, I think it’s because trends seem to work in the sense that bloggers like them and readers like them, so people keep going to each other’s blogs. I guess we keep trends going.
Very interesting post Jen. I’m new to blogging and until now, I am still looking for my blog’s identity. Thanks for sharing these thoughts.
Thanks for the wonderful website. It was very useful for me. Keep sharing this kind of tips in the future too. This was truly what I was looking for.
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I loved this post, something I’ve been noticing for a while. And the mulberry, ombre-hair, essie comment made me giggle, because it is so true!
There’s something about seeing something on popular blogs, and then seeing it filter into less popular-blogs that makes a lot of people want to be a part of that I think. It’s like wanting to show that you’re in-the-know and on-trend too I think. For example, for a couple of days I was really tempted to buy the AA disco pants even though I originally thought they would look hideous on me – thank god I didn’t because I’d be stuck with an expensive pair of pants that don’t suit my figure at all!
I loved this post because I’ve been thinking about the same topic this week. I’ve actually found this it’s much harder to be a copycat, if it isn’t ‘you’ and you’re doing it to fit in.
The size thing kind of passed me by because it’s not something I usually notice, unless talking about your size is part of your ‘brand’. So, thanks for being a super cool blogger and also being honest! I for one, think that whatever you’re doing definitely works. And I like it x
Such a refreshing post! I always think this. Fashion blogs are turning into magazines and sometimes I admit to putting myself down because I am unable to attend all these fabulous events, not wearing the latest disco pants craze or because I haven’t got 4897253828 followers. I try and make my blog as original as I can (even though originality is hard to come by these days) but sometimes I am guilty of compromising just so I can seek a more wider readership. Hopefully these readers will then come back and actually appreciate the PERSONAL stuff I write about and know them not to be fickle. And you need not worry about your own blog. And a size 12 is nothing! Would rather be a size 12 than starve myself any day of the week.
Gemma x
Its sad to see that some bloggers are fast becoming big bloggers because they are picture perfection (pretty, skinny and rich) yet they really have nothing new to say and cannot write for a toffee. But such is life. I’ve been blogging for three years, i have seen younger blogs hit follower counts treble mine in a number of months, but at the end of the day, who cares! The loyal readers come back to read, because they are genuinely interested in what i have to say, not effortlessly pretty i look 😉 xxxx
Great post. I think it is largely inevitable that when blogging about something such as fashion that you are going to see a lot of similarities. After all if we are all following trends and purchasing off the high street how original can you really be?
As many others have mentioned I think originality comes from the way you blog about things rather than what you are blogging about.
I guess when you are reading blogs, inevitably you are going to be inspired by the lifestyle and clothes that you see there but at the same time, there has be be something that differentiates you from everyone else. For example, I have recently been doing posts for Spartoo and I worry that people will feel that every blogger and their dog is doing it but I hope that I am putting my own twist on it rather than just reproducing a PR or something. My blog is very truthful to my real life and I’m hardly living a wildly varied or aspirational lifestyle in comparison to a lot of people BUT hopefully I am relatable and people enjoy what I post about as I try and be representative of what I am actually like (maybe that’s why I will never hit the big time, haha!)
Maria xxx
Maria xxx
I think the best blogs are those that have developed and grown, but still keep that sense of character. Some blogs just seem like new BOVIS homes with the same wallpaper and beige carpets, all swish and gleaming, but what everyone actually wants is those beige carpets with beams and an open fireplace. I’ll admit, thats a bit of an odd comparison, but it’s true!
A part of me likes those ‘typical’ blogs, but I also like the ones that are just a little part of the internet for someone to talk about whatever they like. At the end of the day, we’re all normal and we don’t have to wear fake eyelashes and carry a Mulberry around all the time.
peaas.blogspot.com x
I’m really glad you wrote this, because this subject is one of the reason I really fell out of love with blogging and lost my way with my own blog. I’m not sure when taking inspiration from other bloggers turned into cloning, but I’m only just getting my head around it and I’ve only just managed to thin my blog list out into a healthy mix of all different types of blogs. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that type of blog, but I do agree that you have to look harder to find individuality these days, and that was rife when I first started blogging x
This is a great post and a very current talking point at the moment! I love that you have recieved so many comments and everyone actually feels the same way about the way the blogging world has changed.
I actually wrote a similar post a while back about how I feel the blogging world has changed since I first started (and how I miss the old ways)
I work in PR heading up the digital department of an agency (so I’m a little conflicted as I can see it from both the bloggers view and the brands),it’s my job to come up with creative ways to work with online media and bloggers and help our brands get onto those blogs… but it’s amazing how much they way we deal with bloggers has changed in the last couple of years. It kind of disapoints me sometimes but I feel as if the blogging world is now going in the same direction that magazines have. Blogging is now becoming too influenced by advertising(whether straight forward or in another sense) and blogging is losing its integrity a little, as people have to blog about the brands which have paid them, sponsored a shoot, given them freebies as opposed to giving honest opinions (I hasten to add at this point that this is not the case for ALL blogs at all but for an increasing number of blogs who have become fairly influential)
As a blogger I understand that bloggers can be business people and in recent years blogging has become a career of sorts but I miss reading blogs for the good old fashioned honest opinions and no nonsense approach.
For my brands, if we can gift an influential blogger an item and in return the brand gets a whole new audience and lots of feedback then it’s great, but if we do something creative with the brand and invite 10 completely different blog posts then even better!
For me personally It’s the latter I enjoy reading the most – I love to read blogs like yours who talk openly and honestly about what they believe and even those who are not afraid to say what they think about a new trend/ celebrity/ brand even if it means going against the norm. Showing your own views and opinions on a subject are what people want to hear – not the same pretty images and glowing reviews that you will get in every magazine. In my opinion this is what’s interesting to read and this is what gives you integrity.
Thanks for starting off the conversation Jen and I hope bloggers like you continue to stick around even if the industry continues to get even more commercial!
and apologies for leaving such a massive comment – I can go on a bit… haha
I follow quite a few blogs, and the ones that used to inspire me now bore me a bit and vice versa. I’m bored of seeing prettier and thinner girls than me post shots of a gorgeous new (and expensive!) outfit every day, because a) I can’t be inspired by items I can’t afford and can’t fit into and b) they don’t have anything new to say! I prefer something prettier, quirkier, that I can relate to and/or that has some real opinions that I can have a ponder over.
I see where you’re coming from. I feel sometimes a bit of an outsider looking in. I’m a male talking about fashion for both men and women. But I have a small following, so I don’t get invited to events or do sponsored posts. I just post about fashion and style. I don’t bake or talk about eating cupcakes, I think I’ve only ever posted one outfit post. I’m pretty much the opposite of your ‘stereotypical blogger’. Which possibly could be the reason behind my small following.
I think a lot of people see what’s gone before them and gained success so copy that because they think that’s what it means to be a blogger. Obviously different people have different motivations behind their blog which play another role. As already mentioned brands and events targeting the same style of blogs just leads to the same content being churned out across the board.
Maybe a few blogs gains success and notoriety following the particular format so everyone jumps on the bandwagon.
I think it goes back to your motivations behind your blog, if you’re seeking to become one of the super b loggers then inevitably your blog will end up looking more and more like the printed media. I never checked out BryanBoy’s blog from the beginning. I only found out about it when he was already really well know. But I see no difference between that and reading say…GQ. I can’t really related to designer 24/7 outfit photos. It’s almost a bit like the music industry, do you stay true have a smaller loyal fan base or do you aim for super commercial success and end up much like everybody else…
Oh I love this post and have to agree with every word. I’ve had a few comments similar to the one you got, and it is a little odd. I’m not ‘unique’ I’m completely normal – I’m the smallest out of my group of friends, what? Thanks for this post Jen x
I totally agree. You have that spot on! a little birdy told me that is is cool to be different ;). Please check out my blog and let me know what you think :).
I have just started a blog as have been inspired by blogs such as yours, a beautiful mess etc. Although I do like the more ‘glam’ blogs too they leave me feeling like I will never live up to them! Although I do love a Mulb I am always the girl who’s boyfiend spills his cider all over said Mulb bag, is nowhere near a size 0 and falls over ALOT! I will never be perfect but who is? I don’t feel like these blogs are real! Just pretty to look at xx http://mymosaicmusings.blogspot.co.uk/
You really had a point.Blogs just really comes in different and unique ways. 🙂
You can also check out my blog Hairstyles and be updated with this new trends in hairstyles you can share with your friends 🙂