Since I retired the Sunday Smile format, I’ve missed giving you all a round-up of my week. Enter The Weekly Write Up – a summary post of the most exciting bits of my week, accompanied by pretty (hopefully) pictures. Here’s what I’ve been up to this week…

On Tuesday I arrived home to discover a very intriguing package from the Aussie girls – very Alice in Wonderland! On the stick was a video, featuring a very nice Australian guy who made me giggle by saying ‘g’day Jen!’. A lovely bit of blogger engagement from the ever-fab Aussie ladies, and a challenge to keep all us Angels occupied.

January is such a horrible month, and January 2011 is a looooooooong one – there’s still one more weekend before payday (how will I survive? Seriously?!). The Mr and I have a surprisingly large amount of champagne in our flat, so Friday nights have become Champagne Dinner nights. It’s a great way to make the weekend special without spending lots of pennies.

This feathered fellow was a belated birthday gift from a friend. He looks quite comfortable sitting in our armchair.

On Saturday Rob and I went to a Naming Ceremony at Oulton Hall. It was such a wonderful way to spend the afternoon – Oulton Hall is a stunning 18th Century mansion with the most beautiful interior… we fell in love and are looking at prices for wedding parties.

I had a Shellac manicure this week and am very impressed. The process is described as a ‘hybrid’ – all the resistance of gel nails (which I personally really dislike) with the ease of a paint-on colour. Nails are dried under a UV lamp and the manicure can last up to 14 days. They look completely natural but are super strong. Love them.

I’ve spent most of today online window shopping and planning my possible purchases for next month. I’m taking part in Kendi’s 30 for 30 challenge in Feb – choose 30 items of clothing (inc. shoes but exc. jewellery, accessories and coats) and wear them and only them over 30 days, mixing and matching to create new combinations. My wardrobe is a little lacking after a mammoth clear out, so a few seasonal staples should give me everything I need to kick ass. You know I love a good challenge, especially if it’ll save me money (no shopping allowed!).
I love Oulton Hall- it’s so gorgeous! My cousin got married there and it was lovely. Great to read what you’ve been up to- I always enjoy these kind of posts! x
Love your nails!!
Sadie x
Oulton hall looks amazing! i love places like that! 🙂
The aussie thing looks so cute too. Cant wait to hear what they have planned for you angels! 🙂 xx
HOW beautiful is that building. x
Wow Oulton Hall looks absolutely gorgeous – hope it’s not too extortionate for a wedding party as it would be amazing! Loving the proactive wardrobe planning, might get on that bandwagon and join you. Are we still on for dinner in first week of Feb?! X
My boyf bought me that exact same owl for my birthday! I’ve called her Mavis and she makes a very nice addition to our home.
Your nails look amazing. May I ask how much it was? I’d love to get mine done x
That owl cushion is so cute x
14 days without your nails chipping and looking tacky would be really great for me right now!
That owl cushion is beyond adorable! x
Lovely summary of the week Jen, your nails look lovely and I adore the owl cushion =)
Hannah xx
Champagne dinner nights sound lovely. Your nails look great, I like the sound of Shellac. I love the 30 for 30 idea too.
I love that you have champagne dinners. My boyfriend and I try and have meals by candlelight every now and then to try and make everything a bit more romantic. Just makes it special.
Oooo I’d be so interested in what you do with the 30 for 30 idea! I think you’d be able to do it really well.
I still have a bottle of champagne bought for me for my birthday last year that I haven’t drank yet. I may just have to indulge in one of these Champagne dinners!
The owl cushion is adorable and sure to brighten up your room xx
Oulton Hall looks stunning, hope you had a lovely day there. xx
Jen, I might be totally ignorant or late, but are you engaged? 🙂
I was thinking of doing the challenge too but I think I’ll wait next year, when I’m not working in the court anymore, because I would have to count my court clothes into my 30 and then I would have no real and fun clothes left! Oh well..
BTW, how cute is the owl? 🙂 My birthday is coming up so I’m giving my housemates subtle hints (well, saying ‘if youre buying me something, please get this’ is not very subtle , is it?), so I might mention some cute cushions! 🙂
The 30 day challenge sounds so interesting! I think I could do it…maybe. But I guess 30 items soon mounts up. Good luck! Can’t wait to see how you get on with it. Maybe it will inspire me to take the challenge too.
Gorgeous pics Jen, your manicure looks lovely.
Oulton Hall looks really gorgeous, very art deco.
Love the idea of champagne dinners, me and Andy sometimes have a bottle with really basic dinners, just adds a little class. 🙂
Wonderful pictures, I’m in love with that owl cushion!
Ooohh I’m glad to see you like the Shellac manicure – I’m thinking of getting one this week to cover up my hideously damaged nails after 9 months of acrylics have been removed. They look fab! Your aussie package sounds amazing! Sounds like they put a lot of effort in and that’s really nice! I love your owl cushion! It’s so cute! x
Oooooh im interested in how you get on with the challenge. Im not sure if i will be able to manage that!
Your nails look amazing. I really want to try out Shellac as my natural nails are so weak.
Looking forward to seeing the posts from your new fashion challenge and it’s nice to have your Sunday posts back 🙂 x
Oulton Hall looks fabulous and a perfect location for a wedding. Love the manicure and the owl is rather a splendid fellow. xxx
lovely photos my dear! that hall looks so elegant and amazing 🙂 xo
I loved the Aussie Video!!! Hearing G’day Sherin made my week!
I love your manicure as well. The colour is fa. And the cushion is so adorable.
I hadn’t heard of Shellac before but will defo check it out. Would be good to hear how long they remained chip free for xx
I love Oulton Hall! It’s not cheap but if you could have your wedding there, that would be amazing!
Are you left handed? Or did it just make a better picture with the pen in your left hand? I’m left handed so I always spot when others are too!
Love that awesome gift from a friend(how blessed are you?!), adorable gift!
Aww I wish I was an aussie angel it looks like so much fun 🙂
Oh my god Jen, I grew up literally over the road from Oulton Hall! We used to go exploring in it before it was turned into a hotel – it was an old lunatic asylum and there were cages in the entrance hall and everything!! I even did a school project about one of the last owners.