An Ode to My Polka Dot Jeans

Posted in Daily Outfits, Fashion.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…

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River Island jeans, tee c/o Wildfox, blazer via charity shop, Bertie boots, Mango necklace, Topshop ring, Michael Kors watch

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Oh, polka dot jeans. You make my heart sing. And you make my legs look thin. For that, I declare you a … win… ahem.

Obviously poetry is not my strong point. My love for these jeans, however, is unwavering. I was reading Grazia on my way to London last week and these jeans were featured in their Lust List. As soon as I hopped off the train at Kings Cross I was on the Victoria line to Oxford Circus and in River Island’s dressing room (advertising – it works).

Jeans are my everyday staples – I have so many pairs, from my faithful Topshop Kristens to the Next coloured skinnies in maroon and plum. They’re so easy to pull on, can be dressed up with heels or down with flats and have solved many a wardrobe crisis. I wouldn’t usually go for patterned bottoms (it’s the child bearing hips) but I think these babies are rather flattering – they’re so tight, they’re practically Spanx. Not great for eating or sitting down but hey – this is fashion, people!

I know not everyone shares my love for jeans. Apparently, some people don’t even own a pair! Quelle horreur! So tell me – are you a fan of the humble denim trouser? Do you have a favourite pair?



I would love a pair of jeans that actually fit me properly. Most of the time are either too tight on hips/bum or too loose at waist. It seems most jeans are made for straight up and down figures. 🙁

One day, I’ll find a decent pair of jeans that fit me.


I am one of those horror-inducing people who doesn’t own a pair of jeans! Shopping for them is too laborious in my opinion, so I gave up my search for the perfect pair a couple of years ago and now permanently live in leggings or tights.

Having said that, I do like jeans on others – especially the polka dot pair you’re sporting.

Rosie xx


I’m one of those people who don’t wear jeans. I recently purchased a pair and they are a perfect fit but evrytime I put them on I feel silly, I just don’t think I suit denim!


Msn I adore these jeans, saw someone wearing them in town last week and wondered where they were from! River Island dont have a tall range tho so my purse is safe for now… 🙂

k f e d l a n d

I’d like to put my hand up and admit that i don’t own a pair of jeans! And I just brought some camel pants a few months ago that i finally rocked out in… I just don’t wear them. Nothing against them. And actually, seeing you in these makes me kinda wish I wore trousers more. You look hotttt!x

Rachel - Firebird

They are so much fun. Afraid I am much more of a blue traditional denim girl – skinny or wide legged only – nothing faddy. Boring, I know.

That necklace though. Wow! It is fierce. Literally!


When I saw these jeans I wondered if it was a Grazia induced purcahse! They didn’t appeal to me in the magazine, I’m with you on the child-bearing hips so I assumed they’d be horribly unflattering, but these look incredible on you. One of my favourite outfits you’ve ever posted.

Kim Parslow

I couldn’t agree more, jeans are a staple of any wardrobe and I’ve bought four pairs in the last month, red, jade, maroon and black 🙂

These ones are gorgeous! I love the polka dots. Wish I’d hung on until they came along but I’ve spent too much now on others!


I don’t own any trousers but i do have two pairs of jeans! I did have a favourite pair, back when “boyfriend jeans” were trendy a few years ago. They were from Miss Selfridge but since i moved back home from uni, they seem to have gone missing! Sob! I’ve lost sooo many things from moving around during uni 🙁 x


Can I just steal the whole outfit please Jen?! Everything here is calling to me,the skinnies,the loosefit tee. Gah! I used to live in jeans, now not so much, but they are a godsend 2bh – I think I take them for granted!x


Loving the outfit! I’m definitely a denim girl, and no matter how the rest of the fashion world feels about jeans, I’ll always worship at their altar….

The ones featured are definitely fabulous, and Grazia often has me wanting to rush out and go buy stuff!

Peacock's Hat

I’ve been wanting to buy polka dot jeans for ages, and saw these in Grazia too but thought they will just make my hefty thighs looks even more chunky. Black or dark denim skinny jeans I feel I can get away with, but patterned just feels so scary!
Although, seeing how good these look on you, I may change my mind and just go and try them on to check 🙂
I don’t wear jeans very often, and only have two pairs since it is so difficult for me to get ones that fit and with a high enough rise for me- I worry about my arse being on show! Saying that though, I did get some black ones recently and have been wearing them a lot, mostly to keep the cold away!


These look amazing on you. So flattering. I love polka dots but still don’t own any pairs of jeans or trousers…I might go as far as to try these on at least though as they’re probably the best jeans I’ve ever seen! x

eurostar deals

This outfit is rocking! Especially Polka Dot Jeans is simply awesome! The color combination is adorable, You Look Rockstar in this fabulous Outfit!!


This outfit is brilliant, I love the jeans. I’m obsessed with pencil skirts at the moment and have the polka dot one from Topshop.
Combined with the tee and blazer, and that amazing necklace, I love it all. Good work Jen. xxx

The Captivating Grin

You have to have some jean action sometimes – they are so easy, comfy and involve little effort to make look cool! They are my complete go to outfit! The green polka dot ones are especially ace 🙂

Rachel, Cold Knees

I love these, they look great especially teamed with the boots and casual tee! My fav pairs of jeans at the mo are the Topshop Leigh ones, they fit me perfectly. I do really want a pair of these though.. xxx


Oh jen, you make me chuckle. You look HELLA COOL in these bad boys.
I love jeans. I’m currently wearing my old trusty utility pocket, skinny-as-you-like ones. X


I need more jeans. It’s a fact. Although I do feel like I’d be betraying my favourite pair of H&M Squins (which I’ve had since 2006, sheez, & are now falling apart at the knee) if I filled up my rather empty jeans drawer with, well, more jeans. Although I’m now officially in love with these polka dot beauts so maybe my Squins will just have to deal with it.


They look so so awesome on you! I absolutely love this outfit.

I don’t own a pair of jeans, and I would never even have the courage to try on a pair like this, but they look fantastic the way you’ve styled them!


Saw the jeans in River Island and thought they were horrid. You make them look amazing!


Truth to be told…I NEVER wear jeans, partly the reason is because I am fairly big and always feel uncomfortable in jeans

BUT, only recently I saw gorge jeans in H&M and I thought, let’s try them on. Just to see what I look like in them. And, ahem, I FELL IIN LOVE.

Been wearing jeans ever since. I thought with absurdity why I refused wearing them most of my life, just because I am slightly overweight. I am such an idiot! Haha.

You look FAB.


I’m part of the jean hating lot, I have one pair, they’re black skinnies and are my lazy wear!

These are stunning though, they’re almost not jeans


I own one pair of jeans, all the pairs I try on don’t fit! Ah polka dots, is there nothing they don’t look good on? These jeans were a great buy! xx


these jeans are absolutely perfect on you, jen! i adore the colour, plus the shape fits you wonderfully. i love how you’ve slightly tucked in the tee, too. lookin’ lovely.



I love those jeans, they look fantastic on you the pattern is great!
I’m on of those girls who don’t wear jeans often I have only one pair that I wear when I can’t be bothered to get dressed in the mornings, they just look bad on me. However I have a vintage green and orange polka-dotted pair from Fiorucci that I adore.

Abbi Fay

I am most definitely 100% with those jeans. I think I may live off pasta and beans for a week in order to buy them! Beautiful! x


As of late, I have been loving your skinnier than skinny jeans! I need to get me some myself! Not sure how I will get them over my feet tho haha lovely outfit xx


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