When I first had all my hair cut off, I didn’t for a second consider the implications of shedding my long, blonde locks. I just wanted a change, something drastic. A pixie crop was the answer and I stayed that way for years. As my hair is naturally fine, keeping it short does wonders for its volume (and my patience – I hate styling it).

When I tell people my hair is naturally blonde and used to be very long, some will give me the sympathetic head tilt and ask ‘do you miss it?’. For years I was delighted with my short hair and couldn’t understand the female need for long, lustrous locks… but then something changed. All of a sudden, I was desperate for flowing hair, with tumbling waves and a fringe to peek from under.

In my case, it’s a need for change more than anything… but I do think there’s a kind of cultural acceptance for females with long hair. Disney Princesses have long hair. It’s so inherently feminine that even Doc Martens look girly, and if you wear a Peter Pan collar you’re in danger of spontaneously combusting into saccharine-sweet, Zooey Deschanel flames. Also, you can swish it.

As much as I try not to link my happiness to the way I look, I am enjoying this new mermaid hair. And I can now understand why so many women with beautiful hair are terrified of hairdressers. As unprogressive as it is, hair is still an indicator of beauty and femininity, and after years without this particular asset, it feels good to go long. Very good.
What do you think – are you staying short or growing out? If you have long hair, would you ever consider the chop?
I know it sounds completely superficial but I don’t feel ‘done’ or ‘ready’ without my hair down. I’m not even talking a massive blow dry or bouncy curls, just down. My outfit looks instantly better when my hair is down and my make-up also.
But I’ve always been tempted to chop off my hair, just because I feel like with short hair it always looks polished. Not only that but I believe it is in fact easier to do more styles with short hair, always been a firm believer of if you’ve got long hair you’re more likely to shove it up in a bun!
I really love the long hair on you- but then again, you could make any hair work!
Since having the chop when I was 14 and instantly regretting it I have been constantly growing my hair! It doesn’t grow very fast and I think I have it trimmed too often for it to get anywhere. Now I have waist-length extensions and I love swishing my princess hair! As you say, I think long hair is just so inherently womanly. 🙂
The Life of Emily-Alice
I’ve never been scared of cutting my hair until recently. I’ve always had it short, grown it out and then got bored and the hairdresser couldn’t believe I’d want to cut it all off. So at heart I’m definitely a short haired girl! But now it’s got to a decent length, I just want it to keep growing! Yours is beautiful either way 🙂 xo
I have had my hair every colour and style under the sun and have gone full circle and ended up with my hair exactly the same as it was when I was at school. Really long and my natural brown colour.
I loved having shorter hair when I had it, as it was easy to style and half the time to dry but I think having long hair is a bit of a security blanket for me. After having it short for a few months I’d be longing for extensions to make it long again.
Extensions were perfect as I got the best of both worlds!
I think short hair looks lovely on you and suits you perfectly, but I know what you mean about the craving for long hair…x
I’m scared of HOW someone cuts my hair, but not cutting it. I went from elbow length to a pixie 5 years ago and am now getting to below shoulder. Hair is just hair, it regrows. I missed having curls when it was a pixie, and long hair is just different. Not better, not worse. Just different! You have always looked wonderful whatever length. And I have to say I am INCREDIBLY jealous of your heavy straight fringe. With my curls I look like a sheep if I try and straightening every day would jsut kill my hair. You look fantastic 🙂
I had long hair until I was 1v the cut it short /grew it out and cut ir for 4 years . My hair was never more than shoulder length, I never missed it until 2009 I started growing it out. It’s now passed my waist naturally and others are more attached to it. Long or short I love my hair. I prefer it long because it falls into natural beach waves and requires little effort.
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Whenever I’m bored with life my hair is the first thing I’ll attack in order to bring about a big of change, I’ve always been experimental and I’m not sentimental about it at all… which is probably a bad thing because I really don’t look after it! Currently its super long, about the longest its ever been because I just havent been bothered to go to the hairdressers for a cut, I think the last time I went was just before my wedding where I actually got it cut into a super short pixie cut. So I’ve been every length and colour imagineable. I’ve even been tempted on more than a few occasions to shave it all off!
I’ve always had very long hair with a blunt fringe and i LOVE it. After I had my first daughter two years ago my hairdresser suggested cutting a good 3 inches off and silly me agreed…. i actually cried when i got home. So after having my second daughter 5 months ago you would have thought i had learnt my lesson. NO. Fancying a bit of a change i thought i’d go for the dip dyed look. Taking lots of magazine cuttings of my chosen style to my young and trendy hairdresser I thought i’d be in safe hands. A weekend of tears and a trip back to the hairdresser to have it all dyed back to my original hair colour. When will I learn?
I’ve had my hair to the scalp bald and hair to almost my waist. I keep it just around my shoulder now because I think it’s more flattering on me longer than shorter. I’m almost 39 now and I’ve learned that a good stylist is worth the money.
I think you suit both and your extensions never look fake, I would say embrace both! I wish I could have really long, thick hair and other days I am gratefully for my easy to style no fuss hair! Us girls are never happy!X
New post at http://www.beautifulthings-danielle.blogspot.co.uk
its taken me years to get my hair to grow to a reasonable length so there’s no way I’d chop it now! I love the versatility of long hair – you can do a different style every day.
You’re lucky – you suit short hair! But it is nice to have the choice so extensions are a lifesaver in your case! x
My hair skims my hips and I would love to go for a pixie crop – getting slightly sick of long hair being my defining feature and people telling me to “never cut it”! But I’m too scared of potential regrets as I have had literal nightmares about having it cut! May go for it in stages… but to be honest I’m probably too lazy about going to the hairdresser…
Sam Muses xx
£250 Boohoo Giveaway
I chopped my hair to my chin about two years ago because it was in really bad condition and I wanted to start all over again! Although I do suit my hair best short, it’s very wavy and flicks out all over the place. I also feel much thinner with long hair for some reason x
You’re hair is so lovely; I adore the fringe. You’re so lucky you can pull off the pixie cut and long luscious locks. Having curly, ginger locks myself has meant that I have never been able to grow it long or have it chopped off so I’m forever half way inbetween! x
I went through the typical teenage stage of hating everything including my natural dirty blonde, longish, wavy hair that I used to just put up in a bun.
So I got a mohican, dyed it every colour under the sun, then got a pixie cut which I hated, had long bleach blonde barbie hair which I loved.
The bleach killed my hair so I had to have a bob and dyed it brown, now I’m trying to grow my hair again, I want long pretty princess hair. I kinda regret ever cutting it off and killing it with bleach, but it was fun!
Lucy Loves To Blog
Your hair looks stunning like that! I definitely regretted going for the chop when I did it and I’m so happy now my hair has grown again!
I’ve been wanting long hair for years and up until recently seemed to constantly be growing it, but then I realised that long hair doesn’t actually suit me so I decided to go back to a bob and the amount of compliments I’ve had has been insane! I’ve never been this happy with my hair before and I think it can really make or break the way you feel about yourself. You look beautiful with both long and short, I really love a fringe on you 🙂
Love Holly x
I had my hair cut short when I was 17, five years ago, and regretted it SO much, ever since then I’ve been so happy when I’ve caught a glimpse of my hair and feel that it’s suddenly grown a few inches overnight! I feel that long hair feels more flattering on me, definitely more feminine and I can do a lot more with it so after missing it for what felt like forever I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of long-ish hair! X
Having had both long and short hair, I definitely feel more “girly” with long hair but that could just be because others seem to perceive me as more girly when my hair is long and blonde compared to when I had short black hair. I am seriously tempted to get my hair all chopped off but I don’t know if I’ll ever go through with it. Long hair is a bit of a security blanket! You look great with both – the hair extensions look so natural. x
I’ve always loved long hair, ever since seeing Rachael in Friends – as sad as it sounds, she was my first hair idol!
I think I’ll always wear my hair long – unless age catches up with me, I do feel far more confident with long locks xxx
My hair is at the longest it has ever been, I currently have a love hate relationship with it, I love the way it makes me feel, but I hate the way it knots when I wash it, sleep on it or frizzes after damp weather.I think your hair extensions are the way to go, all of the joy none of the trauma! You have also encouraged me to invest in a new whinge-faux fringe,my hair parting is odd as it grows backwards so hair dressers have told me I categorically can’t grow a fringe, but who cares if you can fake it! Enjoy being a low maintenance mermaid! 😀 xx
I had my hair cut short quite some while ago, but now am very reluctant to have my hair cut very much at all!! I like to keep mine long. Every now and then I see a nice shorter style, but I don’t ever do it. I think I would regret it and it takes an age to grow out again.
I had really long blonde hair and got really ill meaning my hair was falling out in clumps (and the fact that I overcoloured it) so I decided to get a crop and get it coloured back to my dark blonde. I love it for about 6 months and then craved my long blonde hair back. I am now back to that and I must say I feel much more myself like this. It is part of my style to have long hair so I dont mind that I am a bit boring keeping it the same, I guess I just know what I like and (apparently) it suits me like this so it’s all good. You have gorgeous hair!
Janine xx
My hair’s quite long, and whenever I’ve cut it short I’ve always regretted it. Probably because I’m pretty lazy and I love being able to tie it up in the mornings! xx
Long is where I’m staying but I’m SO bloody bored of my hair. I need to change the colour or get a fringe or something. I always go really blonde then choc brown then decide i dont really luke brown and go back blonde…rubbish!
Your hair suits you short or long – I’m jealous! I feel more comfortable having long hair, purely because when I’ve made my hair LOOK like it’s short, it really doesn’t suit me!
lovely photos, dear 🙂 I totally agree with you, hair is beauty 🙂
I’d love a pixie cut but don’t have the elfin features (or petite figure) to carry it off and I lack confidence to do it. However I think short hair in some ways can be so freeing 🙂
I shall live with my run of the mill long length bob, had long hair until my early 20’s when I got sick of the effort of styling. Only saving grace is I am natural blonde so least I don’t have grey hairs or dying issues to contend with.
I’ve been growing my hair long since I was 16 and I don’t think there’s enough money in the world that would convince me to go for the chop any time soon. I love the femininity that comes with long hair, that said, I totally envy those beautiful girls who can have super short hair and still look amazing.
I just cut my hair back into a bob. Before that, I’d been growing it long for a friend’s wedding, and just never did anything with it. It either went into heidi braids on my head or into a top knot and I really missed my short bobbed hair. It was so nice to go into the hairdressers- he grabbed it in one hand and just chopped 3/4 it off. Liberation! I feel more me (and I think long hair emphasises my baby face). Though I do miss my heidi braids sometimes.
the extensions look fab and you look great – both with long and short hair! x
I love having long hair and mine just wont grow any longer. I would love to have super long hair like the girls in HAIM but it wont happen. I don’t think I would ever have it cut off, I think it would age me a lot.
I’ve always had long hair, I agree as to some comments that call it a ‘security blanket’. I just couldn’t imagine me without it.
If it helps I think you really suit both styles and I’m also really impressed with how well you pull off full fringe & glasses..it’s just something that I can’t get away with!
I did similar to you Jen. I had mousy brown long hair and whilst in the US for a holiday decided to take the plunge have it dyed blonde and styled into a sharp bob. People didn’t recognise me when I came home but the blonde actually suits my complexion far better.
It is only in the last 6-9 months that I have let my hair grow long. I have kept my fringe but am loving the change 🙂
I’ve been growing my hair long since i was 14, now it’s finally getting somewhere i could never bear to chop it off. How would i just chuck it in a top knot when i can’t be bothered?
I do think your hair looked lovely when it was short though!
Interesting post Jen, I’m working on something similar at the moment.
As you know I’ve been trying to grow my hair for ages, and have now got proper bonded extensions. Which I love. Longer hair for me, means less styling maintenance. It looks better scruffy than my usual length and I look less like Charlie Chaplin in hats.
For me, long hair makes me feel more feminine, and whilst I’d love to cut my hair short to see how it looked and felt, I’m concerned I’d feel butch (as I tend to feel chunky and ‘manly’ anyway)
My hair grows fairly quickly, despite years of dying it blonde, and I always find when it gets really long I want to cut it all off. Then, when it’s short, I desperately want it long again. Currently I’m growing it as long as possible and trying to keep it healthy too with regular trims and actually using heat spray. I haven’t had it super long in years. There you go, there’s my hair story! Hannah x
I once had my hair cut super short copying Hannah from S Club 7 (yes I did just say S Club 7). I found it an absolute nightmare to style and longed for my hair to be at least at my shoulders. It has taken me more than 8 years to grow my hair back to what it was so I definitely won’t be going for a huge chop again. Having said that short hair looks amazing on so many girls, just not me!
Hannah http://www.cagneyandlace.com
I had a really short pixie crop in high school. I eventually missed my long hair too and grew it out. Then I missed my short hair and chopped it all off into a bob. Now I’ve regrown it again and although I’m still not too precious about my hair, I actually find it’s easier to manage the longer it gets! The fact it’s quite feminine is just a bonus!!
Love your hair right now – the colour is lovely and the waves look great! 🙂
Loving the new hair! I recently went for the chop and got a fringe… still getting used to it! x
Long! Definitely long! It looks gorgeous! 🙂 Well there’s my vote anyway! xxx
I go through a constant cycle of long to short hair over and over, I’m also lazy when it comes to styling it! I find it’s just plain and flat long, and takes too much effort short. There’s just no happy medium! Hopefully I’ll find it some day! You do look gorgeous with the long locks though, being able to swish it is pretty awesome I must admit.
louisejoyb x
I’m thinking of getting a fringe for the first time in 20 years (I wish I hadn’t grown it out when I was 7)! I’m nervous but I know I need to do it. I love my long hair, always time for swooshing. Your hair is absolutely fab at the moment but you can get away with either.
Long hair is wonderful! I’ve had my hair long and short without a second thought over the last 5 years. I’ve never gone shorter than about an inch above my shoulders though, I wouldn’t have the confidence to pull off a crop. Although I have to say, I am definitely considering going for it soon so if I don’t like it I can suffer the awkward growing out stage over the summer hols rather than during school. Can I ask what it’s like to grow out a crop?
Oh and I forgot to add, your hair is absolutely fab long or short! Jealous!
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I used to have really long hair when I left college and then had it all cut off into a Frankie from the Saturdays-esque pixie chop. It was a big step and I loved my hair but I’m so happy to have finally grown it back to the length it was! I love long hair and the versatility that it brings – you can have updos, have curls, have it straight, do lots of things – whereas when it’s short you really can’t. Don’t get me wrong, I think short hair is very chic, however I’m definitely loving my long hair at the moment and I won’t be chopping it off anytime soon!
Your hair looks lovely 🙂 just started following your blog! xx
I have long hair, and I don’t think I would ever cut it. Not only would short hair be take more effort to make my curls behave, I just love the way long hair feels and the variety of styles it offers me.
And you hair looks really nice both way, btw
Very Nice Blog and good content hair extension
Natural Wave Hair Extensions
Long hair is the best thing ever. A few years ago I chopped mine off into a short bob, it was lovely but once my hair started getting long I knew I had to keep it. My hair is mid-way down my back now and I’m so happy.
You suit long dark hair so, so much! xx
I’ve had short hair for about 2 years now, a few months ago I started growing it out again, but ended up going for the chop again.
I think I keep it short because everyone says I look better with it short……
and maybe I know really……I look bad with long hair. It tends to make my oval/round cheekboneless face look smaller and blobby….
But like you I dream of having long wavy feminine hair, but I don’t know if i’ll ever get there (with my mind telling me i’ll look bad, and everyone else saying keep my hair the way it is…).
I have short hair, because I’m always being told it looks great this way……when I start to grow it, well I just look funny. As soon as I cut it, I feel better (until it starts growing after a few weeks, and looks quite scruffy…).
I tried to grow it a few months ago, but I gave up 🙁 Wish I hadn’t now.
I guess the only reason I feel the pressure to have long hair would be culturally…..it’s just been accepted and the norm for so long, short hair isn’t as loved.
I do dream of having long, flowing girly hair though (I just can’t seem to make it!).
I’ve had short hair for about 2 years now, a few months ago I started growing it out again, but ended up going for the chop again.
I think I keep it short because everyone says I look better with it short……
and maybe I know really……I look bad with long hair. It tends to make my oval/round cheekboneless face look smaller and blobby….
But like you I dream of having long wavy feminine hair, but I don’t know if i’ll ever get there (with my mind telling me i’ll look bad, and everyone else saying keep my hair the way it is…).
I have very long hairs and I would definitely never ever think of cutting my hairs. I have a strong believe in your saying “hair is still an indicator of beauty and femininity”. I know that having a good hair style can change your looks completely but still I strongly favor long hairs.
I grew out my pixie to an asymmetrical crop then to a bob which i’ve stuck at for the last few years. I’m now trying to grow it and it’s about 2/3 inches below my chin, but it was an A-line bob so shorter in the back now it’s completely doing my head in! I can’t handle it, can’t style it…it’s frustrating me so much i want to go for the chop again 🙁
I love long hair with shor bangs..
I cut my hair a few months ago just too expirement and i loved it 🙂 it was short for me because i went from boob length to shoulder length and now im growing it out (i have to wait 6 months or so with the help of biotin lol) but i love short too makes me feel grungy and edgy. All tho ill never cut it again because at heart im a long hair girl especially because my hair is naturally curly. But i was soooo sick of lool and i wanted to change it lol. It definity brightens my face a bit more because i felt like long hair was dragging me down so ill never go longer then boob length because my face is more longer then wider.