Out with the Old

Posted in Daily Outfits.




Wearing: American Apparel tee, H&M skirt via charity shop, Topshop pumps, Miss Selfridge rings, Zara belt
On: Tuesday 4th January
For: Going back to black, I mean… work.

The title of this post does not, IN ANY WAY, refer to my wardrobe. That’s one area of my life where I’m happy to hang on to the old… well, until payday anyway.

I’ve always been a creature of habit. I like routine, familiarity and that feeling of authority you get when you know exactly what you’re doing. But… it’s a bit boring, isn’t it? Routine is ordinary. Familiarity can lead to complacency. Every day is so everyday.

So. 2011. A year of change. I want to see new things, achieve new goals, meet new people (and read more books). Uprooting your life has always been a negative thing… but what if you re-plant somewhere new? Sounds good to me.

What are your dreams for 2011? Do you have big changes on the horizon, or are you happy just the way you are?



I love your skirt. I thought that the title was referring to you having a big wardrobe clearout and my first thought was “but she’s got so many nice things…why?!” so glad that that’s not the case!
2011 is going to be a pretty big year for me, I’m starting my first scary adult job so that’ll mean big changes for my life and for my wardrobe! (hopefully changes for the better and definitely more money to spend on clothes)


This skirt really jumped out at me! I think this is such a well put together outfit. I agree, familiarity can lead to complacency and I’m looking to make changes myself.

Happy new year!


Ooooo that belt is gorgeous.

I love that metaphor — about uprooting your life and re-planting somewhere new. It’s really nice and a good way to look at life.

2011 is the year I start trying to crack into freelance writing a bit more. Which is terrifying but exhilarating all at the same time.

Danni and Maria

What a lovely resolution to have! Yes I reckon 2011will be full of change for me too – finishing my degree so lord knows what’ll happen after that! eep!

Also, that skirt is gorgeous- really suits you 😀



2011 is my year to look at things in a more positive way, and look at what i spend in a more sensible way..also i want to do some new things; learn to knit, and work towards my Queen’s Guide award..and also to be more organised! speaking of which, i have a resolutions post to organise :S

Hello Bee

This outfit is so cute, I have so many oversize tees but had never though of matching them with that type of skirt. Looks lovely!

Good luck with 2011 resolutions and plots and plans! I wrote all mine here: http://wp.me/p1ehov-eO pretty random ranging from hosting a murder mystert (!) to visiting more countries. I’m really excited for 2011, I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a vintage year ;] x


You look lovely Jen!

I have quite a big change going on this year financially. I’m being really strict and putting half of my wages away for a house so shopping and nights out etc will all need to be majorly cut down and I can’t really say I’m looking forward to it. I know in the end it will be totally worth it but I feel like I’ve got a massive amount of decisions to make and I know it’s going to be super stressful at times!

E is for Eleanor

My dreams are massive for this year! Open the online shop I’ve wanted to do for an age, American coast to coast road trip in September, just see more, do more.

I love this post Jen, it’s really quite inspiring. Change isn’t always a bad thing!



That skirt is amazing! i keep seeing color-block and I must say I absolutely adore the look!

Glad you’re not getting rid of you’re great wardrobe.


Ooo I like that closing statement. I’d love to be able to be more spontaneous, i’ve never had that instilled in me.


I have a couple of simple goals – brush up on my Japanese and not buy any new clothes until 1 June 2011. We’re going back to Japan since we left in 2005 (we both lived there from a couple of years) so I want to save my money to enjoy myself out there.

I’d also like to go up to the next level at work.


Your outfit highlights my need for basics. I love the colours.

In 2011 I hope to read more, spend less and see more of people who make my life better.

Miss Lucy

Change is amazing – I love it. 2011 for me though is going to be a year of staying put as I did too much change in 2010. Hope that this year is a wonderful one for you X


Lots of plans for 2011, but only to make things better and not make something happen out of nothing, if that makes sense. I want to read more too =) Lovely outfit to Jen, the greys look lovely together!

Hannah xx


I like to think I’m a creature of habit too. It’s tedious though! I love how evidently thought out and planned all of your posts are!
This is what I want my blog to be like!
You are an inspiration!

lotsa bloglovin’


I really want to become a calmer person! I let my stressy job get in the way of the fun side of life and need to realise that work isn’t everything! Other than that…. spend more time with my family! I need to return home to the nest more often, I really want to give back the help that my family have always given me. Great post – you have great positive goals!


I’m a total creature of habit too, but, 2011 is my year of change. Selling my childhood home, the long-distance part of my relationship coming to an end, actually getting to spend time with my boyfriend and I’m working on convincing him to let me have a puppy. For someone once so adverse to change, I think I’m going pretty well. I just want to DO more, even if they’re mundane things. I don’t want to look back in 20 years and think ‘Oh no, I wasted my life’.

Gorgeous outfit as always sweets. That skirt is divine! xo


i do love that skirt..i love the black band around the hem.gorgeous!
well im thinking of getting all my hair cut off this year.. thats going to be my big change i think!!

pip a la chic

So weird seeing you all rugged up and I’m in the summer heat here in Australia. 2011 is a huge year for me. Having two jobs, going to Thailand for my hens, getting married, then Philippines and Thailand for honeymoon.. and somehow in between then study a millinery course as well. Biggest year of my LIFE!


Love your skirt. Really perfect. I’ve decided to make 2011 my best year yet. Still pretty boring so far, but I’m getting there.


Your waist looks teeny in this outfit! Not saying you are large by any means but flipping heck! 🙂

My hopes are to be happy, healthy and successful. I deserve a lucky 2011 after a hard 2010.



Love that skirts, the colours are great together.

I don’t think uprooting your life is necessarily a bad thing. I’m sorting of hoping to do that as I want some big changes!


Gawsh, I love this outfit, the pleating on the skirt is amazing! I know what you mean by routine being a bad thing, I want to get out of my routine because it’s making life too predictable and that’s no fun.


I love the skirt, you always find the best things in charity shops.
As I graduate this year my dream is to finally gain a job that I have wanted to do since I was 11. Im desperate to become a real journalist, not just one who does it for free on work experience but one that gets paid for it!


My back to work outfit was black too! Black can be super cute though sometimes and it’s just what you need when you’re feeling ‘black’.


I LOVE this outfit – in fact, it could even be one of my absolute favourites that I’ve seen you in. That’s how much I love it! Probably something to do with my favourite & most-worn colour being grey (I know, exciting life I lead!) so this really appeals to me 🙂

As for my life in 2011, there’s a rather large amount of things that I know I really SHOULD change. However, likelihood is I won’t. I don’t know if I’m being realistic or just negative. Oh well, we’ll see!


Iris / London Fashion Diary

This is such a pretty skirt; I love it!

I really feel like I need some change in my life too.. And I’m hoping that this year will be a good one! It’s going to be a decisive one because everything will depend on whether I get accepted for a master/PG certificate, which will in turn determine if I stay in London.. Gosh I’ve just stressed myself out even more! 😀

xx Iris


I’m generally a bit anti-change but I’ve discovered over the past year that pushing the comfort zone levels a little can result in v. good things so I expect there’ll be a bit more change in my 2011.

Let me know if you want any book recommendations by the way 🙂


Good luck, Jen! I want 2011 to be a year of big changes for me, too. I just have to figure out how to make it happen 🙂

Vintage Vixen

Such a flattering and sophisticated look on you, my dear Jen.That skirt is a great find and as Kelly points ot it really suits your curves and emphasises your trim waist.
I suppose both inner happiness and confidence come with age, I don’t feel the need to change any aspect of the life I already live (and love). xxx


Fabulous skirt- as always a perfect combination.

I think change is good, but I am forever holding back on ‘making it’ actually happen.
This year hopefully I will be able to put all those hopes/dreams into action.

I wish you all the luck and happiness for 2011 Jen :)x


I decided to take part in the Day Zero project so I have 101 goals for the next couple of years! I think it’s definitely good to have change sometimes. I adore your skirt here by the way!


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