A few days ago the lovely folks at Matalan kindly sent me their Christmas lookbook to have a nosy through. Matalan’s not a store I often visit, mainly because there isn’t one in central Leeds. I adore their home range and after my flick through the new collections, I’m pretty sold on the clothes too!

Pretty bags

… And PJs!
I’ll definitely be taking a trip to my nearest store to stock up on seasonal essentials.
Ever generous, Matalan also sent me a preview of their new TV ad to share with you guys… their CHRISTMAS TV ad!
I’m not listening to your cries of ‘but it’s only November 6th! Are you crazy?!’. I love Christmas, and I love that ad agencies across the country put in extra special effort and even more creative genius to make the advertising we see over the season so wonderful. Matalan’s has everything I’m looking for in a Christmas ad – sparkle, fairy lights, smiling people and a catchy tune.
Look out for the premiere in one of X Factor’s (many, many) ad breaks tonight. Happy weekend!
PS – The lovely Beth‘s boyfriend is taking part in Movember this month. A few of my friends did it last year and it’s a great way to raise money and awareness. Persuade your boyfriend/brother/GBF (Gay Best Friend) to grow a moustache (which should be easy… they seem to have a weird fascination with facial hair! Maybe it’s the Ron Burgundy thing?) and help the cause.
Haha, a guy at work is doing that. What do you thin of when you see a moustache? I always think of Freddy Mercury or Tom Selleck! 🙂
Matalan sometimes has some really great clothes. I have a red polka dot 50s style dress which I have owned for YEARS from them, and it was an ultra bargain.
I love Matalan, haven’t been for a few months so I’m going to go asap! Thanks for mentioning Movember Jen 🙂 xxx
I actually love the way they’ve photographed everything (especially the bags)… so simple.
Just ADORE the advert. I can honestly say that it is probably the nicest, loveliest Christmas ad I think I have ever seen.
I am loving the look book, I even helpfully put post it’s on the bits I loved most for Santa to see 😉
I’m not sure I know where my local Matalan is… I’ll have to investigate, from what I can see the Look Book looks lovely (not that I should spend anymore money) 🙂
I will be looking out for the advert tonight, in the MANY X Factor ads!
I too agree I love Christmas ads xx
Those bags look so cute! May have to pop in to my local Matalan soon! 🙂
The AD is amazing! Makes me pine for Christmas even more!!!
oh, jen. thank-you for your lovely comment, hehe! unfortunately as soon as i left my house my hair went all frizzy, boo. i adore the new matalan advert, especially when the little girl goes in and out of the box, so cute! i actually haven’t a clue where my nearest matalan is, i better find out asap!! xx
oh yes i have my eye on a couple of dresses xxxx
I’ve been flicking through the lookbook as well and am really impressed. Some of the dresses look really cool. I’ve never really been in a Matalan before as I thought that they weren’t that fashion forward, but I will definitely venture in now.
I’m a secret Matalan fan! (Matafan?) Here’s an amazing super duper top tip: they must use the same supplier as Arcadia or something, because I’ve seen jewellery in Matalan that was 100% identical to Miss Selfridge and Topshop pieces, except for the price! And recently they had a top in which was made out of the exact same cat print fabric as a top in Miss Selfridge, and an A Wear top as well.
Matalan have really stepped up their game.
I got two gorgeous dresses from there and the accessories are fab.
check out my blog please? xxx
M&S xmas adverts are almost taking over from Coca Cola advert in ‘Christmas Spirit Bringing’ … Controversial … I know!! x
the beginning of november marks the perfectly acceptable time to start talking about christmas!!! its such an exciting time. im always pleasantly surprised when i go into matalan i dont think people give it the credit it deserves, its jewellery is fantastic! xx
Oh when I saw the Matalan add I couldnt believe it, it was amazing! xx
Love Matalan Leeds really needs one in the ciy centre! X
Really need those snuggly pjs!