Weekly Write Up

Posted in Daily Outfits.

I’m a little hit and miss with my ‘Weekly’ Write Up posts. Sometimes I’m all over it, snapping shots of places I go and things I see. Other times I wonder if anyone has any real desire to see a photo of my new shoes on top of a suitcase. But, I got nothing else today – so here they are!

Primark laser cut brogues, £12.

In other news, it’s my sister’s 21st birthday tomorrow, so today the family crew got together for food, drinks and laughs. We went to a bizarre and amazing restaurant called Crab & Lobster in Thirsk, near York. It had everything one could ask for from a restaurant – delicious food, chilled white wine, a man called Mutton Chops who played the banjo and an original 1940s diving suit suspended from the ceiling. I’ve never seen a place like it – it was a vintage lover’s dream, full of fur coats, antique cameras and mantle clocks showing a variety of times.

A wicker trike hanging from the ceiling above our table.

Mismatched chandeliers cast a dim glow over diners.

My starter was a goats cheese tart with red onion marmalade and dijon ice cream (delicious).

And my main – garlic roasted lobster with king prawns, scallops and salad (also delicious, although I couldn’t finish it all).

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The restaurant sits on stunning, sweeping grounds. I love all the leafy archways – very Secret Garden. I’m wearing a Matalan dress, Primark cardigan and brogues, Dorothy Perkins tights and my Stolen Thunder brooch. I did have a belt on too, but the lobster soon put paid to that.

I’d definitely recommend the Crab & Lobster – it was a bit like going vintage shopping, but with excellent food and a chorus of ‘Happy Birthday To You’ from Mutton Chops. Which equals an excellent day out, obviously.

How was your week?



That restaurant sounds absolutely brilliant. I’ve never heard of it which surprises me!

I really like your outfit – the brooch is wonderful.x


Woweee all of it looks so amazing, the interiors the food, the gardens- I’m gonna have to make a visit one day 🙂
I enjoy seeing pictures of brogues on suitcases too haha!
Rachelle xxx


what a brilliant sounding restaurant, i’ve never heard of it before but definitely want to try it out now! x


ooh that restaurant sounds fab! Goats cheese is definitely a favourite of mine 🙂 Looks like you had a great time! x


Oh my god! I adore lobster, prawns and anything seafoody, so you’ve made me completely jealous with that. Gorgeous looking food, in gorgeous surroundings.

BonBon Vintage

Wow,the food and the whole place looks stunning!Shall definitely be making a trip up there at some point 🙂
I love your outfit,uncomplicated and lovely colours 🙂

Hope you have a good week hun xx


I’ve been there! About 8 years ago I think, for my grandmas birthday. Totally amazing isn’t it. I really need to find an excuse to go back! X


Ooo, sounds like such a cool place. I love discovering cool new eating places.
Really love what you wore. The cardigan and dress are really pretty.


hey chickadee! love the photos of your weekend!! must say i have a soft spot for goats cheese too, yum! 🙂 x

Iris / London Fashion Diary

You look great Jen, this outfit is just so flattering, I love the colours! This restaurant looks really cool, and what about the Dijon ice cream? did it have a mustard flavour? I’m intrigued!

xx Iris


love the brogues! i got some like that from primark about a year ago for £6 and they’re still going strong! i love the look of the look of the restaurant you went to, i live in yorkshire so hopefully will be able to go someday! i’ve just started a blog (so i don’t really know bloggers etiquette if it’s okay to ask someone to look at your blog) but it would be nice if you had time if you could have a look and had any tips cos it’s pretty bad at the moment, but if you don’t i won’t be offended 🙂 x


Oh that looks and sounds wonderful. There’s always something so extra nice about restaurants with gardens that you can stroll round after you’ve eaten.


haha, that restaurant looks incredible, and don’t get me started on the food! *dribble*
Happy birthday to your sister 🙂



Oooh, nice new brogues! Haha, Mutton Chops? Wow, sounds like my kinda guy 😉 That food looks divine! Mmm, I’m now starving! Thanks Jen! Beautiful grounds for a beautiful lady! Hahaha. Very lovely outfit too.


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