What I Wore For… a wedding

Posted in Daily Outfits.

A new regular (ish) feature on A Little Bird! As Wardrobe Wonderings is on a hiatus (back soon, folks) I thought I’d delve into those hard-to-dress-for occasions I seem to attend on a regular basis (weddings, festivals, job interviews, client meetings, smart-casual nights out, blogger events…), and first up is the wedding.

The Mr and I were invited along to a lovely night do for an old colleague’s wedding. I wanted to buy a new dress, but not a whole new outfit. I wanted something simple and chic I could dress up with accessories. And I had 10 minutes with a grumpy Mr in tow to find it. Hardly retail therapy.


Photobucket Photobucket

H&M dress, Oasis wedges, Accessorize ring and clutch

This dress reminds me of Carrie’s naked dress and was £24.99 from H&M, while the ring and clutch are sneak peeks from Accessorize‘s AW10 collection – more on that later this week.

I wanted to do something different with my hair – have you noticed I never, EVER do anything with my hair other than what it does naturally? I’m a total hair bore. But I felt inspired by my lovely friend Kel’s blog, Hair Advice and All Things Nice, and decided to try an up-do. I finished the look with a slick of Prestige liquid liner in black and Barry M’s Grey on my nails.

Have you been to any weddings or formal events this summer? What did you wear?



The first thing I noticed was the hair – it looks so lovely! Such a pretty dress and the accessories are super chic.

My outfit for the last wedding I went to was a black and cream embroidered dress, black heels, cream wrap and a chiffony headband/fascinator. I would have liked something a bit more colourful but money was short so I had to be creative with what was already in my wardrobe.


I love your hair like that, it really suits you.
That dress is gorgoues too, all togther a great wedding outfit.
I have an evening do in a couple of weeks to go to, and don’t have any idea what to wear, so this has got me thinking xx


LOVE your hair! Really really suits you!

The only time I’ve ever been to a weding was when I was 18 months old. I was dressed in my family tartan…

Lou x – craftyandquirky.blogspot.com


I think that’s the most beautiful I’ve ever seen you look, I look everything about it – the dress, hair, accessories… everything! I’m surprised you’re not the one now getting married if you went out with the Mr looking like that 😉


you hair looks absolutely beautiful, as does your makeup! are you wearing blusher? if not i’m jealous of you naturally rosy cheeks! hehe. you look lovely, i adore how you have toughened up the delicate, floaty dress with the statement black shoes and bag.

love, jazzabelle. xx


Lovely outfit very well put together 🙂

I have a lovely french connection dress I found in the sale that I’ve worn for a ball and to my dad’s wedding last year and if I’m ever invited to another wedding it will be the dress I wear (as long as it still fits!)


Your dress is beautiful and I love the accessories too! I’m a total hair bore as well. I just go with what it wants to do naturally! Your hair looks so pretty here!



Such a hard colour to pull off and you do it so well! Love it with the statement shoes and bag too 🙂

My brother got married earlier this year and I wore a floor length dress from Jasper Conran, I think I’ll be wearing it at the end of the my final year fashion show when all the students do a lap on the catwalk, just to get my moneys worth!


You are such a stunner, Jen! Love the outfit and you should wear your like this more often, I find. I have a tendency to dress down at formal events (and dress up for work). All wrong, I know… xo


like the dress but not sure about the hooker shoes with it. They would look nice with wet look leggins.

You really suit your hair away from the face too.


you are to pale for this colour. Like your make up though. A little fake tan on the bottoms of legs would have been good too, only cause the tops of your legs have a darker shade to them.


you look gorgeous, i love love love the bag. i haven’t been to a wedding in years! i need to push more people i know into getting married haha.




that dress is amazing! love the ruffle on the side.
i usually give up after 5 minutes in H&M because I can never find anything, but I may have to have a proper delve next time I go shopping :)xo


YOu look so amazing here. I love the dress. It does looks so stunning on you. And that clutch: gorgeous!
And I love your hairstyle as well.


Ah thanks for the mention you gorgeous girl! 🙂

Your hair looks amazing like this, so pretty and suits the dress perfectly.
The ring and clutch are beautiful, lucky you for getting a sneak peek!



Wow, I absolutely love your hair like that! You look so fab!

I love wearing big hats and fascinators to weddings, because it’s one of the few occaisions you can get away with it!


Foxy lady!

The nails are absolutely gorgeous, as is that ring – have spotted it on their website, must purchase. 🙂


I love this outfit. I haven’t actually been to a wedding this summer but am going to an evening reception next weekend and might see if I can see this dress in H&M, I think it would be perfect with these shoes! I also love the bag and your hair looks great.


I tried that dress on for a wedding too, but the colour completely washed me out. It looks great on you though – love the styling with that bag!

You’ve also made me dash for my Barry M grey polish. It’s love reignited! x


Jen can I just say your hair looks SOOOOO beautiful up like that.
Love the pairing of nude with grey nails, and that bag is TDF.
I haven’t been to any weddings this summer, unusually, but have MY OWN next summer. Yikes! Already have dress, just need to fit myself into it, and find some cute accessories!

xxx Maddie


This outfit is gorgeous – love the dress & your hair looks so lovely. I also love that ring rather a lot – where’s it from? (I don’t think you mentioned it – I apologise if I’m being blind!)

I’ve been to two weddings this summer, which feels like loads seeing as I haven’t been to one for years..
The first one I went to, I had the outfit planned WAY in advance, down to the last detail. The second one, which was on Saturday, I was frantically trying dresses on an hour before I had to leave, trying to decide on something appropriate, without resorting to repeating my previous wedding outfit – I was so stressed!



I agree, that hairstyle really suits you. Very classy.
Love the dress and accessories too, that bag is wonderful!
Kyrie x


Gucky ;o)

You look utterly beautiful, really soft and pretty.

@anonymous, that is such a personal bugbear of mine, not every outfit needs to be accessorised with an orange glow, what is wrong with natural coloured skin? Whether your natural colour is pale, tanned or black I think it is far braver and more chic to rejoice in it. The colour of the dress is lovely, as is your skin, you look etheral and fragile, yet it’s juxtaposed by the statement ring, black accessories and fierce shoes

vint junky

You really really suit this hairstyle jen, it looks incredible!
I totally disagree with both anon’s. False tan looks cheap and the agressive shoes give the outfit an edge that other softer styles wouldn’t.
I think you look just beautiful 😉


I love your outfit so much and you look sweet and stylish. super cute dress!

+ I love your blog so now I’m your follower. Follow me back if you like 🙂

jessie xx

Vintage Vixen

I love your hair, Jen, in fact I love everything. The dress sits perfectly with your skintone and the kick-ass accessories stop it feeling too grown-up.
I don’t enjoy formal occasions at all, wedding invitations scare the hell out of me. I love dressing up for fun but not when it’s expected of me.

Fashion Bandit

Loving the wedding outfit, totally chic. Ignore the anons, they are annonymous for a reason…no balls.

I was also selected by Accessorize to trial some of their new season products – I’ve been doing an ‘Accessorize Dress Up Challenge’ all week over on my blog if you have time for a nosey. xx


Such a cutie pie! You look great, this is a perfect outfit for a wedding! I can’t believe the dress is from H&M! 😀

xxx Iris

E is for Eleanor

Jen! I’m nearly in tears over this post. I have a wedding to go to next week and I know I’m not gonna look a tenth of how classy and beautiful you look! How do you do it? I have to go shopping tomorrow becaause I cannot find a thing to wear 🙁



I love your hair like that, it really suits you! Dare I say it, I actually think I prefer that look to the full fringe!

Love the whole look, especially the clutch, the ring and the nails! I have that grey too, it’s amazing.


Totally gorgeous! I’d spot a dress like that and worry it would be tricky to wear so well done for going for it – you look fab! And I will be hankering after that ring all season I’m sure!


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