Before I launch into today’s ramblings, I’d like to say a HUGE thank you to Victoria at Lily loves Lola and to all the lovely people who subscribed to my blog and left a comment. I am so touched! 🙂
Okay, dreams, wishes and painted nails. Well, the painted nails bit is taken care of at the top – this is one of my new polishes. I love Barry M for the huge range of colours, long lasting finish and cheap price! And they’re on 2 for £5 in Superdrug right now… even more excuse to stock up! This colour is a real winter classic and I just love it.
Ever since I surreptitiously watched an episode of Sex and The City from under my duvet aged 14, I’ve been obsessed with New York. I love the pace and thrill of the city, the lights, the sound. To me, it’s always looked like the most magical place in the world. Even now, at 23, I cannot imagine a more perfect place to be. I hope at some point in my life, I’ll get to live and work there. Even if it’s just for 6 months. I think it’d be the experience of a lifetime.
In my New York fantasy, I live in a chic apartment with a stoop. I have a pug, a fabulous wardrobe and a job I love. And that leads me to my next point…
For all intents and purposes, I love my job. I’m a copywriter at an advertising agency… basically, I write adverts! It’s a great job – I have some fantastic clients, I get to see my writing in print, I can be creative and I get to wear whatever the hell I want! But what I really, really want, is my own column. About fashion. But not desginer fashion – fashion for the everyday. Something normal people can relate to without feeling alienated and lost. I want to advise people, make them feel good about their clothes and in turn, good about themselves. I want real girls to model the outfits I write about.
My final wish is much more superficial… I want a Chanel 2.55 handbag. Well, a girl can but dream!
What are your dreams and wishes? And what (if any) nail polish are you wearing today?
Thanks for the comment and for following! Your blog is great!!!
I’ve wanted that nail polish for so long, and was going to buy it today,
damn superdrug being closed. How dare they have a powercut when I have some spare cash for once?!
*ends rant*
My nails are boring, a pale pink o.p.i. shade that I never remember the name of.
to become a successful journalist
to move out and experience independant life for the first time (so sad, at 22!)
right now…endless pick n mix sweets + oreos
easily pleased 😉
Your dream’s come true – you’ve got a column about real fashion and it rocks!
My dream is the life I live. Loving man, good health, my own house and a cool wardrobe although a Maharajah’s Palace in India overlooking a lake with a few peacocks would be the icing on the cake! Oh yep, a couple of vintage Oz Clarke dresses would be rather nice.
Siberian Nights polish by OPI on my toenails, nothing on my hands, makes me feel like a tranny.
Hi Jen! I found your blog from Victora’s blog, and I like it alot! You have a lovely style. 🙂
Hmm, my dream is to be an art director in new york city, with a french bulldog named percy.
And as for my nails, today I’m wearing a color that I frankened, it’s kind of a greyed out purpley mauve color 🙂
My dream is to find a good job, one that I enjoy and makes me want to get out of bed. For the past 6 years I have worked in jobs that I’ve hated and it sucks!
Yay for the pug. You will have one one day 🙂
Raspberry of course. I’m addicted to this nail polish color. And I want a Chanel 2.55 too. But after I get my Balenciaga giant city. Hugs!
Loving your blog 🙂 And this is a great post!
Nail Polish: Desire by Rimmel
Dreams: to be a Beauty Journalist and to be happy
Wishes: everything that’s currently on my make-up list (thank God for Christmas!)
I could definitely see you writing a column! you have a natural way of writing really well and i always love what you put together outfit wise x
Gorgeous colour. You do have a very cool job. Some dreams do come true. Some you have to fight for quite a lot- it makes the victory taste very sweet though.
Emma 🙂
Thanks so much for all your comments. I have worked as a journalist before, but moved into advertising after 6 months as journalism is notoriously low paid and I have a serious shopping habit!
Now I’ve established myself as a writer I’d love to venture back and see if anyone would let me have my own column. Watch this space!
the nail color is perfect!! and i just blogged about russian dolls too :p well, kind of.
Love this post
So glad I found your blog – thanks to Victoria’s post.
Keep writing 🙂
Jen! I am quickly falling in love with your blog. I am originally from New York – now I live in Southern California, but I have dreams to go back. I want a stoop as well; and fabulous friends whom roam the city with me in amazing clothes.
I am currently wearing a shade of nail polish that is called Lincoln Center. It is supposed to be a black red color, but it has darkened significantly and lost its luster in the week I have been wearing it. Must try something new by tomorrow. Loving the shade your wearing – I want! 🙂
I really like that nail color, it’s perfect for fall! I’ve always dreamed about moving to New York too, but it hasn’t been in the cards yet. After we graduated college, several of my friends moved out there. They always complain about how expensive it is to live there, though, so maybe it’s a dream to follow when I’m a little more established in my career.
very pretty manicure! the russian doll is lovely too. as far as my wishlist goes.. i would also like a chanel purse 🙂 and though i like living in nyc, if i could live anywhere i wanted, it’d be in an old house on a lake with no one else for miles around. ~joelle
Love the nails, mine are a bronze colour at the min. My dream would be to have a lovely job and live in the countryside with a huge dressing room! x
the color on your nails is so pretty. 🙂
gimme 5 mins and there will be an award for you on my blog!
I love your pretty nails, Jen! I just had mine painted really red and it scares me sometimes to look at it lol!
Your dreams and wishes are wonderful! New York seems like a magical place to live in! And oh, I want a Chanel purse so badly too:)
i have no nail varnish on at the moment! i usually like having them bright red. i work in a cafe though so i can’t have my nails painted in work *sulks*
I think that Carrie Bradshaw has the life that everyone dreams of! I would love to just work at home and then meet my friends for expensive lunches- her life is so unrealistic but so fabulous!
Re. the nail polish- I am trying to grow my nails so I just have some of the Sally Hansen clear miracle growth varnish on!