Favourite places

Posted in Daily Outfits.


Outside York Minister. Primark shorts, vest and pumps, New Look blazer, River Island tights, various thrifted necklaces, thrifted bag



More of the Minster
Daffodils along the city walls

York is my favourite city in the UK. I grew up just 20 minutes away and have visited hundreds of times, but I’ll never get bored of the architecture, the atmosphere or the elegance. The shopping is wonderful too – a huge Topshop, plenty of tiny boutiques, Wild Hart (the most heavenly homeware shop) and of course, Cath Kidston.

On Saturday, we made one of our regular trips to our favourite city and strolled around like tourists, taking in the sights and sounds. We bought a hotdog from a street seller (a PROPER hotdog, none of this reconstituted stuff), nipped in and out of charity shops (The Salvation Army is my favourite) and people-watched from the grass in the Museum Gardens.

When we finally get around to planning it, I’d like to get married in York. One of my strongest memories is of Mr and I, tentatively taking the bus to the city, bumping hands and blushing on our very first date.

Do you have a favourite city, or are you a country girl at heart? What’s the one place you could visit time and time again? I’d love to know!



York is my absolute favourite city. It’s where my family live and I desperately want to move there sometime very soon.

Beautiful outfit! xo


This is such a cute post, and lovely outfit.
Never been to York! (I know how dare I!) but from what I see it looks like the perfect way to spend a Saturday.
(high five on the hotdog!)

X x

Roo Paprika

Awww lovely post. My Mum is from Yorkshire and my Uncle lives near York. It is a wonderful city.

Due, I think, to being a Londoner, I am a complete townie, the countryside scares me! I dream of moving to Brighton, it’s damn near perfect – city, sea, South Downs… Maybe oneday


Wow, York is lovely! I wish we have time to visit York to this summer but I think we’re cramming in too many places now as it is:)

Love your cute outfit, so perfect for your beautiful outing! Adore the floral top!!

My fave city is of course Paris, who has stolen my heart forever!!



I have only been to York a handful of times depite living less than an hour train ride away (Sheffield)…. it is absolutely beautiful and the buildings, shops and places to eat are amazing!
My favourite place in the UK is St Ives in Cornwall, filled with the most beautiful galleries, beaches and shops you could imagine (Cath Kidston included!)…. I love it there too much!


I have never been to york either, but it looks lovely. Thats so very nice that you want to get married there 🙂 auw! You look very summery standing amongst the daffodils my dear!

Ps. Little bird is gorgeous! I may need to enquire about hiring your man to do me a website for my portfolio online.

Pps. I thought id let you know, from that post millions of months ago, I finally got a macbook 🙂 xx


I’ve just seen the new layout…it looks fabulous!!
I’d love to visit York one day: it looks like such a beautiful city!


A beautiful love declaration to your city! (And your colour coding with the Minster is impressive 😉 I’ve never been to York, but it looks lovely. I think my favourite city romantic-wise is Paris, my favourite shopping and cultural city is London and I can’t leave out my hometown Berlin, to which I have quite a love-hate relationship, but well, it’s home.

Cafe Fashionista

Oh Jen you look absolutely breathtaking in these pictures – I adore your floral top. And the scenery is just lovely.

New York City is the one location I could visit time and time again – there’s always something happening there!! 🙂


I grew up near Newcastle so have visited York many times. London is my favourite city, I have lived here for almost 4 years and would never want to leave. I love to visit New York though, that’s probably my favourite non UK city. x


You look gorgeous and I love your blogs new layout! I’ve never been to York but it looks lovely. I don’t really have a favourite city but my favourite town is Windsor, I just love going there – it’s so pretty and I’ve had so many amazing times with my bf there too! 😀 xxx

Pink Flower

I love York too – it really is growing on me. I grew up 30 mins away and while it was an ok place for shopping, it kind of never went anywhere else.

After spending four years away I guess i’ve more settled about the place, especially through working in York these days. Its the place where I hope me and the fella will be living by the end of the year. It is an adorable little city – large enough so you can loose yourself in the crowds but not too large that you drown in being pushed about.

One of my recent re-finds is the Oxfam book shop – its my favourite place to hide away on my breaks at lunch from work. I end up just wandering around the streets every day just taking it all in. I love the old buildings that is all around the centre, how they art deco styled windows and doors are all worked in. It really is just as gorgeous to look up at the buildings as looking forward.

That’s if you don’t trip up over all the tourists – especially the ones with the bum bags that just suddenly stop to take a photograph!

Mind you saying all that, there’s two cities that hold a special place in my heart even though I am a country girl really. Newcastle and London – they’ve both stolen a piece of my heart.

Now that was a large ramble on my part! hehe x

The Owl Diary

I love this location! I’ve only been to the UK once and I stayed in London. Loved it. But I would have also liked to have traveled outside the city. The architecture in Europe really is so different from here. I wish we had that sort of beauty in the States. But we have very, very little- obviously because we are still a young country.

Anyway, I’d have to say my favorite city (that I’ve visited thus far at least) is definitely Dublin. I love the energy and the friendliness and the beauty. Plus, it’s Ireland. & I’d have to say I’m both a country and city girl. I was raised in the city so I could never live in the middle of nowhere, but I do love the country as well.

Have a fantastic week! xx


York is so utterly gorgeous- and looks beautiful in your photos. I think I am more of a country girl at heart but saying that- I love love LOVE living in the city centre. I want to settle in the country but the city is ace for now.

Just seen the new layout/website and I adore it! x

Senorita Fashionista

What a wonderful post! I would love to visit York,it looks lovely. Architecture and atomosphre, really make a city. Sounds like you have some important planning to do!
For me San Diego is a city that I can visit and never get bored!


You look so lovely in your glasses. As a recent new glasses wearer, I wish I had some of your confidence. x


love the outfit.. love the little blazer..
ive only been to york once. but i loved it.. might go this summer actually for a trip!


I love your outfit, the vest and tights especially!
I also love salvation army, those charity shops seem to have the best stuff in!
I don’t particularly have a favourite palce, I’m from South Yorkshire, so all the little districts around there are lovely 🙂
P.S. If you haven’t already, please enter my lovely contest HERE ♥♥

claire eloise

looks like a great place to visit again and again! my place is london because to me it is always fun, and never fails to provide an adventure. love the outfit, and sorry i’ve been so off the blogosphere! xxx


Great outfit, I’m loving the shorts and blazer, I’ll have to try that myself.
My favourite city? Hmmm I’m no much of a city lover, I do prefer smaller towns but Bangkok was pretty spectacular to visit, but not sure I’d like to live there.
Vicki xxx


I love York as much as I love my home Leeds. I’m a city slicker, with a love of the country (in small doses). Looking fab as always my dear xxxx

Amy Marie

The photo’s are beautiful. I always look forward to your posts.

York is one of my favourite cities. The boy’s family lives about an hour away so whenever we go for the weekend we always spend a day in York. The boy’s sister is also getting married there next summer, I think she’s so lucky.

Love, Amy Marie.


So gorgeous! My bf is in London right now, touring the UK and France and I’m super jealous that he gets to visit gorgeous places like that. I love the picture of you against the daffodils.



just had to comment, you could be me. I adore York and its my favourite place next to my home city Edinburgh. On Mon before easter my partner and I got married at York registery office, just the three of us. (us and our baby girl) it was perfect and would really recommend it! Strangers as witnesses! Cant wait to go back in May for races which by the way if youve never done is the best day out in the best city! x


i love york! one of my best friends went to uni there and i always loved ging up to visit her. i also love liverpool and bath though.


Wow, York is beautiful! :O
For me, Glasgow is my fave city, I practically grew up there. Fabulous parks, shopping & museums!

un petit lapin

My heart belongs to Paris! I just can’t get enough of that city. Everything you could possibly want is there; food, fashion and history. Saying that, I do love Manchester ;P You make York sound lovely. I’ve never been there and I’d love to visit!


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