Spring Dresses

Posted in Daily Outfits.


Max C London dress, Next cardigan, Pretty Polly tights, Matalan heels, vintage belt, Mango ring


H&M dress, Primark blouse, Schuh brogues, Topshop ring

Things I love about spring – daffodils, fine knit cardigans, a lesser reliance on central heating, and dresses. No matter the season, I will always, always love a dress with a nipped in waist.

What’s in your spring wardrobe?

PS – Things I don’t love about spring – misleading weather, the temptation of Creme Eggs at every shop checkout, people in beer gardens sunbathing topless, and trying (and failing) to give something up for Lent.



I have never seen anyone topless is a beer garden, must be a leeds thing haha!! Love that pink dress, it is totally gorgeous and I love the thick belt with it. Pretty dresses in spring is a big love of mine too

Bow Dream Nation xx


I absolutely love the combination of dark pink and green.
And I will be forever jealous of the horseshoe shirt, and eternally on a fruitless ebay hunt for my own!
I’m loving the 18c weather, but sadly don’t get to enjoy it much in my air conditioned office on a victorian steel production site! Hmph.

xxx Maddie

Peacock's Hat

Love the colours in the first outfit. I love daffodils too, although I admit today has been too hot for me. I feel like a big jelly melting under the sun.


😮 JEN. you stunner. I love these combinations – the pink and green is gorgeous together, but my fave is the second – can’t believe that blouse is primark..woo! x


I have always loved that Max C dress of yours, the cut is just lovely.
I really like the way you’ve teamed the blouse and the dress in the second outfit too. Lovely spring outfits, a perfect time for a wardrobe shuffle xx

Lizzy Lips

I’d come to say how much I loved the pink Max C dress, looks like it’s everyones fave. Looks stunning Jen, very flattering.

Pearl Westwood

Oh I love the pink outfit, so full of spring cheer and I have to agree with the urgh on topless men when really is still isn’t warm enough not to wear a coat!


Thank you, you lovely people!

@Mat – I don’t go jacketless ’til at least June! I usually throw on a blazer or a trench at this time of year. 🙂

Fashion Junkie

I love the pink dress, it’s beautiful and I love the way you’re wearing it with a mix of colours.

I actually wear fewer dresses in the spring, and more of my jeans, because I find it difficult to let go of my dress-thick tights-boots combo. Loving the warmer weather though!


Wow Jen, you look gorgeous in the pink outfit. And I hate pink! The little pocket details are fab.

Spring is absolutely my favourite time of year. Sunshine, warmth, blossom, flowers; everything is so exciting and it smells beautiful after months of grey, dull winter.

northwest is best

Those are both lovely dresses! I seem to have rediscovered jeans recently. They look good and solve the ‘is it too cold to go without tights yet?’ conundrum.


I love the vibrant colour of the first dress, in fact I think its my favourite outfit I have seen you in. Simply gorgeous!


i love the colour of that first dress with those tights! lovely. i am also not loving people walking around topless already – it is not even bare leg weather for me yet! haha. maybe i am a bit of a prude and a bit nesh…


Loving that Max C dress! The thing I hate most about spring is that increasing number of gents here in the south that think it’s acceptable to walk around in boxer shorts & thong flipflops. WHY?!


I love the first one, mainly because I won it in your competition last year!

Unfortunately the button came off when I washed it and I haven’t fixed it yet, oops..


The first one is a really gorgeous color! The blouse in the second one is really cute, I never thought about wearing a blouse under a dress 🙂


You look AMAZING in the both outfits, but especially the first. I love it. And have you lost weight…? Dee x


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