Sunday Smile #6

Posted in Daily Outfits, Fashion.

I know Sunday Smiles are supposed to be non-fashion related… but sometimes, my entire week revolves around one outfit. And this was one of those weeks!

On Friday night I was a guest at the Chernobyl Children’s Project ball. It was in a very posh place, with very posh people and very posh food. So obviously, I needed a very posh dress. But I don’t really ‘do’ posh – I’m a casual dresser (as you well know) and I hate the thought of beautiful dresses hidden away with no occasion to attend. With that in mind, I hit the high street to find a something I could dress up for the night and keep wearing afterwards.


Zara dress, shawl from my SIL’s wardrobe, Dune shoes, Accessorize clutch, Eclectic Eccentricity bracelet, Me and Zena ring

I just adore this Zara maxi dress. At £40, it was pretty cheap in ball gown terms and I know I’ll be wearing it all summer long with gladiator sandals, a skinny belt and a denim jacket. It’s definitely making me smile this week! What do you think? Did I make it black tie beautiful? Would you have gone for something different? And what are YOU smiling about this Sunday? Do tell!

PS – Today was the GalaxyFM Style Hunt interview. I was very, very nervous and HATED being filmed when answering the questions, but overall I think it went well! I’ll hear from them some time this week so will be sure to let you know what happens. Here’s my ‘favourite casual outfit’ – I also wore my ‘favourite going out outfit’ but didn’t get a chance to snap it. Fingers crossed for me! 


Primark playsuit, Primark cardigan, Primark tights, thrifted bag, Primark pumps, Eclectic Eccentricity necklace, Me & Zena ring, H&M belt



Wow, you look absolutely stunning in your maxi dress 🙂 Bet you were the belle of the ball! Aw man, hope your interview went okay. It just adds another strange dimension when youre being filmed, doesnt it. I tend to blink too much. Good for my eyes but not so good for the people watching haha. Cringeee xx


Good choice for the galaxy comp, you look lovely! You rocked the floral maxi…its a nice summery option for black tie 🙂 It makes me wish the sun was shining though, unfortunately its a grey day in Newcastle. I’m hoping it picks up for the bank holiday tomorrow though, fingers crossed!!xxx

Laura Jaye

Ahhh you can pull of some of the most amazing looks!

That maxi dress is gorgeous; I love them but being 5″2 I can never find one which doesnt train ridiculously 🙁


Style of a Fashionista

The maxi dress is gorgeous I can see this being a staple of your summer wardrobe.

Good luck and fingers crossed for the Galaxy FM Style Hunter you derserve to win fab casual outfit too xoxo

E is for Eleanor

That dress looks amazing, a much more sensible purchase than a silly frothy ballgown. You can wear this over & over as you say!

And that is a lovely choice for the style comp!


You look so chic!! The shawl makes the difference hehe
and omg you were filmed? I know I would speak with my worst french accent if I ever was to be filmed 😀 I’m sure you did well, and the outfit you picked is perfect!



Your outfit for the event looked gorgeous 🙂 You definitely pulled that one off, & I’m looking forward to seeing this dress again in more guises!

Best of luck for the competition thingy – I love the outfit – I want a playsuit like that. I saw one similar in the asos mag, but it was £155! Primark here I come!

Vintage Vixen

Oh Jen, you look beautiful! What a great choice, you’ll be wearing that fabulous frock all summer. Bet the in-laws were so proud!
Good luck with the competition (not that you need luck with your looks and style).

anna jane

love the maxi! Zara never fails to impress when it comes to formal occasions, and this outfit def proves the point that you dont need a super expensive outfit to look super stylish and posh! Loving the playsuit too, anna jane xxx 🙂


Your ball outfit looks amazing – perfect for the occasion but still your style. Hope you had a lovely evening!
Good luck with the Galaxy FM Style Hunt! x


Oh me, oh my!

You look stunning! I love it when you find something that can be dressed up or down like this. Maxi dresses are brilliant for that – and I can’t believe it’s from Zara! It looks so high end!

Fabulous choice, I hope you had an excellent time (was the grub tasty?!) xx

Amy Marie

Both of these outfits are gorgeous. I love the maxi dress. I’m so tiny that I can’t wear one, I just look swamped!

Love, Amy Marie.

Sarah T

I love how you’ve made evening wear so wearable!! I can’t stand being all dressed up formally but how you’ve styled that dress is perfect! 🙂


that is a lot of dress for £40! definitely good value hehe. you look lovely in both outfits


oooh, pretty maxi Jen! I haven’t been in Zara for ages due to their ridiculous sizing, many a shopping trip has been ruined when even a “Large” has not fitted! I might give them one more chance though on the basis of that dress.
Vicki xx


Oh, I want a floral maxi dress just like that! It’s so so pretty and I can imagine you wearing it with a skinny belt and glads on your feet already! And your favourite casual outfit is just so you, love it sweetie:)



I love what you did with the maxi dress, and I’m not normally a maxi fan. You put a young spin on wearing a formal long frock and it looks lovely.


Fab dress, you look great! And so versatile for dressing down in summer too. Good luck with the competition! x


Love the maxi dress on you! so pretty and a bargain too!

Fingers crossed for the Galaxy thing. How exciting would that be, 🙂
Have a great Sunday & Monday, I’m being lazy today, still in PJ’s, bacon cooking. Bliss
X x


Lovely maxi dress – you look v glam. I really resent buying black tie/wedding outfit things that cost a fortune yet barely ever get worn. Buying something that you can then incorporate into your normal wardrobe is definitely the way to go. x


You look so so gorgeous in that dress for the ball! It’s so pretty! Really love the casual outfit for the Galaxy comp- I have my fingers crossed for you! x

claire eloise

sorry i havn’t been commented, ive been reading away and then forgetting to leave a quick hello!
you look beyond gorgeous in that zara dress, they always do such elegant dresses but i have yet to go to the one in leeds! and i adore the primark playsuit, i’ve been wanting it for ages! xxx


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