Back to business

Posted in Daily Outfits.

Thrifted blazer, H&M tee, Primark tee, H&M jeans, New Look plimsols, thrifted ring

Please do excuse the pretty box that snuck its way into the corner of my photo today – I’m trying out a new spot and didn’t think to move it!

Monday has rolled around yet again and today I’ve dressed for business… my way. This is about as formal as it gets for me! I found these grey plimsols nestled at the back of my wardrobe and despite the snow showers (ggrrr – go away!) I was happy to slip on something other than boots. They were staples in my summer wardrobe – I think they add instant indie cool to any outfit.

Has anything from your summer wardrobe started making its way back into your outfits yet, or is it still just too damn cold?



You really mean business, but in a fun sort of way. I love your “business” look… so laid-back and so chic. Happy Monday Jen! xoxo


The blazer looks great! Such a bargain.
Love these look, formal yet still on the good side of casual.

X x


You look great! I wish I could get away with dressing like that on days other than Fridays!

I keep trying to get more summery, but the temperature keeps dropping. February is the WORST month in Boston. Boo!


Your business outfit still looks comfy and cozy to me!

I find it hard to believe that it’s still so cold over at your end of the world:)

Cafe Fashionista

I love the hipster vibe of this look, Jen – it’s absolutely fabulous! That blazer is divine!

I have begun pulling out my shorts – both denim and tailored – once again; though I’m wearing them with tights as opposed to bare-legged. As for shoes…I wear boots year-round, so my footwear hasn’t changed!! πŸ™‚

Vintage Vixen

That blazer so suits your shape!
Nothing summery has dared make an appearance just yet but I’ll be digging out my maxi dresses, sunglasses, gladiators and bikinis in just over six weeks time – I’m off to Goa!

Claire xx

I have started wearing my summer blouses with cardigans to add a bit of colour on a dull day! Wish I had your thrifting skills!
Claire xx


Today I had a wardrobe clear-out and discovered an old grey boyfriend blazer, I’m wearing pretty much an identical outfit to you, haha! I always manage to get plimsolls like that totally ruined within the first ten minutes of leaving the house though!


You look lovely as usual! I envy your outfit putting together skills.
I’ve taken to wearing some of my floral summery dresses with thick tights, a chunky cardi & bright nails with flowers in my hair. I’m determined to inject a bit of summer into this endless coldness! xo


It’s too damn cold still! I am loving that blazer on you, I love blazers with casual shoes. It looks effortlessly chic πŸ™‚ And might I say that your blog is getting quite a following! Congrats! You’re gonna get to 1000 someday, I can see it now πŸ™‚


Sadly not – because it has been snowing AGAIN! But looking at your jeans I have to say there is something very attractive about skinnies, and I think they will be with me this spring (again). I’d love to see a bit more of the t-shirt, looks really interesting!


Loving that tshirt. Ummm, have started layering summery dresses with tights, cant wait til its warm enough to only wear 1 layer!!


Looking good! I wish I could get away with such a cool outfit at work! The satchel is from: and was a birthday present from my parents. They come in a wide range of colours and sizes and I LOVE MINE!!!! Would definitely recommend one, so well made too, I think it will probably last forever. xx

Kyla Roma

So cute! That blazer is just perfectly cut for you- beautiful! I have one that I definitely need to put under the needle, and I think I might have to do that this weekend =)

Here it’s thoroughly frozen and cold. I’m only wearing boots that are weather proofed or that I’ve accepted I’m going to replace. Lame! In April or May I’ll be able to dress like that to go outside. I’m looking forward to that day!


I almost put my plimsole pumps on a couple of days ago but chickened out! I’m longing for summer and think it might be time for a trawl through the summer clothes just to see…
Vicki xx

Polished Sense

Happy Monday, love this little get-up on you. The shoes I think are my fave, they just top this look off! Great find on the blazer too πŸ˜€ I should send you some garments from my studio to play with…let me know if you’d be interested.



Cute – weather for plimsols – yay! Your t-shirt’s super cute, aye. I saw something with owls on the other day and can’t remember what/where… If it comes back to me, I’ll let you know! x

E is for Eleanor

oooh the plimsols are cute! But yes, I went out in a little blazer today, thinking the weather was looking up, but no. It started to snow again, and I was freezing! Oh well, back on with the big wool coat and snood!

Forgot to put the recipe in tonights post, but will definitely put it up tomorrow! xx


Love love love. What a great way to wear a blazer to work without looking too formal. I’m jealous of your outfit building skills and I’m jealous that you can wear jeans to work.



awww, i wish i can wear that for business attire monday at work..:D i think here in PI, we don’t stop wearing our summer clothes..if it gets cold (really windy or we have a typhoon coming), then we just layer our summer clothes with jackets and hats…and that’s it.:D

ps. i’m jealous of your thrifting finds on your prev post!


So cute! I love this t-shirt alot.
Its just still so cold … I did wear my brouges instead of my uggs the other day and I thought I was being really brave! hehe!


You’ve put together agreat outfit here, I love blazers! I can’t seem to make them look good though, I end up looking like I’ve either skived a day off school or like a power-businesswoman from the 80s!


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