GIVEAWAY: Win £200 Selfridges Vouchers with evian!

Posted in Blogging, Fashion.

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I’ve spoken about the little project I did with evian a few times – there’s been lots of lovely stuff going on to celebrate their latest designer collaboration with the Queen of the Wrap Dress, Diane von Furstenberg, and I’ve been lucky enough to get involved. Well, I’ve had my fun and now it’s your turn – I have £200 of Selfridges vouchers care of evian to give away, plus one of these beautiful limited edition DVF bottles. You lucky things!

fashion lifestyle blog ukuk fashion blogger

As it’s nearly V-Day and the DVF bottle has a distinct ‘love’ theme (so much so, I’m having 25 of them on the tables at my wedding!), I thought we’d all sit down and share the things we love. A love-in, if you will.

So, for your chance to win £200 Selfridges vouchers and one of these pretty bottles, you need to:

– Follow A Little Bird Told Me via GFC, BlogLovin‘ or Twitter
– Leave a comment on this post
– Use the Rafflecopter form to register your comment and details
– Use the Rafflecopter form to tweet for an extra entry!

Here’s my imaginary entry as an example:

Right now I’m totally digging the two pairs of Orla Kiely specs I just bought… despite the £300+ price tag. Now that’s true love!

(Yes, I bought them. More on that soon.)

Everything you need to know is in that handy box just down there. The competition is open to all UK residents aged 16 and over and will close on 14th Feb – just in time for the big day!

Good luck…

top uk fashion bloggers

a Rafflecopter giveaway

REMEMBER: To enter you must use the Rafflecopter form right there ^^ to register your comment!


Laura C

Uh. mayzing. Mostly I am loving finalising my wedding plans. Only 2 months to go! Also loving that you are having those bottles on your tables, how fabulous! L x


I am loving the prospect of a study-free life (as of May) and having a wage again so I can invest in all the other things I love 🙂 Great giveaway and I love those bottles. I got married last August and collected lots of pretty lace trims and odd shaped bottles for two years previously – it’s lovely to add that personal touch.

Lois H

I’m currently loving having direction and purpose in life. For the past six months I’ve been a little worry worm trying to plan life beyond uni, but I’m feeling positive and great about a big change and a move away from the dreaded LS6 area once graduating!

Lois x


I’m not loving my inability to use that Rafflecopter box – clearly it’s time to leave work! However I am loving glitter nail polishes – yes I’m behind the times but who cares, they look great!


I’m currently loving everything about life! I’m getting married next year, will be a qualified primary school teacher come June and recently found out that I’m 12+ weeks pregnant! Jo x

Llara G

In case I’m being a doofus (it didn’t let me pop a comment in the Rafflecopter), I am LOVING Stella McCartney’s Hologram pump. Obsessively. Now I just need to find £425 I can justify spending on an item that’ll probably be out of fashion tomorrow. Oh dear…

Rosie B

I’m loving the pair of doc martens I got for Christmas, and even contemplating buying another pair as I wear them so much! Just gotta save a little first 😛 also loving celine bags, preferably a bright blue one, but that will be a definite dream purchase for the foreseeable future 😀


At the moment I am loving the fact that I finally discovered flats (yes, at the grand old age of 31! I have been wearing heels since I was 14) It is an absolute revelation, I can run much faster for the bus which means I am at work earlier on a morning, which means I get a longer lunch break, which means more time to browse the shops, which means more time to find the little hidden bargains, which means a more exciting wardrobe, which means a happier me. It is like a big circle of love all created by the absence of heels. Who knew?!


Janine xx


I am loving my Boyfriend at the moment (jeez, how cheesy so close to V-Day). He has been amazing recently though when I’ve been suffering from January blues! xx


Right now i’m loving all the Valentines day themed food in supermarkets like the pink macaroons and giant cupcakes! It makes being single on valentines day a little bit easier. Still, it’s a bit embarrassing when the check-out girl assumed i was buying all the v day food for my boyfriend and it’s even worse that i went along with it rather than admitting it was all for me!

The bottles are lovely and would be perfect for a wedding! x

Chloe Green

I am completely loving the possibility of doing something more fun, and worth while in my career. I also love that spring is SO SO SO close.


the cake hunter

Right now I am loving our new kitten Evie, who we’ve had for 4 weeks. She is the best cat in the world (although I am biased). I love her so much I could squish her…which I won’t. She’s just the best little friend and she’s loves sleeping on my lap when I was TV. Best thing we ever brought home!


ooh great giveaway,

what im loving right now are skull necklaces. ive got quite a few, but im loving my new Topshop one and one i got from a jewellery company called Kukee too.

♥Superman's Daughter♥

I’m loving my new home! I moved in with my wonderful boyfriend last month and so far he’s let me decorate, given over his wardrobe to my clothes and let my pet bunnies invade too. My 4 Rob Ryan plates are the bit of the house I love most though!

Emma McArdle

Right now I’m loving the new in section of Topshop, not that my bank balance likes it so much!

Lydia Burnside-Hughes

Right now I’m loving making my wardrobe more professional for interviews (and hopefully a for job for when I graduate!!) Warehouse and Whistles are my saviour, but would love to invest in a DVF wrap dress!

Jen Squires

Right now, I’m loving Clinique’s all about eyes de-puffing eye serum. Helps so much in the winter!


Great giveaway, these bottles will look perfect 🙂
Right now I’m loving my new grey skater dress, I can wear it with literally everything I own. (Well, most things.) Not that I have to justify the bargain price tag of £13!


Currently, I mainly love that I’m officially going to be a teacher! I got into my first choice postgrad course, and it’s feeling pretty amazing 🙂

Mrs D.

Bit soppy but I’m loving my husband for being incredibly supportive and patient with me at the minute whilst I’m struggling. He is an angel and I genuinely don’t know what I did in a previous life to deserve him. xxx

The Agoraphobic Fashionista

Right now I’m loving my wee dude. He’s actually hilarious. I don’t go one day without laughing. Secondary to the wee dude and the hubby I’m loving my Rosie for Autograph French Lace dressing gown. I love it, it loves me – it’s the only affair I’d bother with <3


I think those DVF/Evian bottles are the only drink collabs I’ve seen that aren’t hideous (that’s a compliment, obviously!)


I’m loving the fact that it’s light when I leave the house! Really looking forward to longer daylight hours and Spring! Definitely puts an *ahem* spring in my step! 😉 xx


I am loving my beautiful cream tweed over sized Mulberry Tillie. After months of saving i was finally able to get her. Thank you for your post on the York Mulberry store as this was where i found my Tillie.

claire (jazzpad.)

I am really loving my 11 year old Lab Rufus. He’s the biggest, daftest, cuddly-est animal to ever walk the Earth, and no matter how rubbish a day I’ve had, he always greets me with a waggy tail and a sneeze (he sneezes when he’s happy), and that makes my heart burst! 🙂

Kim Plant

me and my husband have got 5year old twins and tonight we have decided to start trying for another baby so so so so so happy 🙂

Caramel Latte Kiss

It’s cheesy, but it is nearly Valentines. I’ve had just about the worst six months possible. I split with my long-term boyfriend, got back with him and split again. I made a couple of very bad rebound decisions (one of which ended with me being left for somebody 15 years his junior!). And then someone I’d known for a while confessed to harbouring a pretty long-term crush.
I was frightened, but gave it a chance. Two months later, I’m blissfully happy.
What am I loving right now? I’m loving taking a chance. Having a healthy, happy relationship. Doing something a little bit crazy. Putting the crap of the last six months behind me. Him.

Roxanna Evita

Gorgeous! I’m loving planning for my best friend’s visit to the North next month (we lived together for 3 years, but now we only get to see each other 2-3 times a year) – so excited! 😀


Right now I am loving my new job and the handbag I have just bought to celebrate it (even though I’m really more of a shoe girl at heart).

Angel In This Dress

Amazing giveaway! Both prizes are incredible – but is it weird that I’m more excited about the Evian bottle than the £200 voucher?? You couldn’t throw a bottle like that away after drinking it – it’d be a lovely piece to have on display all year round.

And what am I loving right now? A Zara military style coat that I picked up in the January sales and is never off my back. Picture here:

Thanks Jen! Lucy x x


The silver Balenciaga I saw last weekend. Currently ebaying all my possession but £200 Selfridges vouchers would really help!


Today I’m loving the fact that I will spend the whole of my Saturday with my 5-year old nephew 🙂 A cinema trip, carpet picnic, homemade chocolate cookies & new lego computer game makes for a perfect weekend with my boy 🙂

(I follow you on Twitter & Bloglovin’ – @wonderboutique) and have tweeted and all that jazz 🙂


I am loving being able to start decorating my new house… loving swapping shopping for clothes for furniture (for a short while anyways ;o) )


I am loving the fact that I have a weekend planed with my little sister, purely dedicated to doing girly things! Doing lunch, being pampered, visiting our Nain, and a trip to the cinema are on the cards!


I am totally loving my lovely lovely boyfriend after he surprised me with a new laptop this week, he had been secretly reconditioning it for me for months! So sweet!


I’m loving the fact that my boy been buying records from Piccadilly Records in Manchester since he was 14 years old and he has found out they’ve chosen one of his own as ‘Record of the Week’!

The designer Evian bottles would be perfect on my desk to wash my paint brushes in…the best for my art!

Intrinsically Florrie

Those bottles are beautiful!

I’m loving my amazing mum because she’s been looking after my whilst I’ve been really poorly this week. Plus she’s just all round awesome 🙂

Thank you and evian for this lovely giveaway!

Florrie x


I’m loving my new picture wall that I’m in the midst of creating, and buying lovely fashion art prints from other bloggers! x


Right now I’m loving vintage travel related things I can repurpose for my wedding! I’m in the final stages of planning as well and it’s stressy! lol

Tessa Brown

I am loving this bottle right now I take a bottle of Evian to work every day and i know having a DVF bottle on my desk would make my day so much nicer.

Lisa Murdoch

Oh my. What a giveaway! Right now, I’m loving my fella for looking after me whilst I have a stupid cold. I can’t really taste it but Lemon Drizzle Cake is yummy!

Lucia Y

I’m loving Essie nail polish in Bordeaux, and also the holidays as it’s half term! Thanks so much for this giveaway!
Lucia x

Maria Fallon

I am loving slowly getting my flat all up together and really making it feel like a home- it has taken nearly a year but it feels like a proper home now!

Maria xxx


Great prize Jen! DVF dresses are such investment pieces. I’m currently in love with Edinburgh having just returned from a perfect pre-Valentines Day mini break.x


Have just discovered this fab website thanks to the evian twitter page. Would really love to win this prize and I’m sure the great bottles would be ideal for hotels putting on celebratory dinners and lunches.

Jenna Kate Kelly

I’m loving the TV show Revenge at the moment! Although I don’t know if it’s more for the fact of one of the leading characters (Jack) being super swoon worthy or that it’s a great show!! Got to love a good swoon on these cold nights!


I’m loving the fact that it’s the weekend and I get to spend more time with my little lady and her special daddy.


Right now I adore snuggling up in my new floral duvet set whislt drinking copious amounts of hot chocolate and applying my new body shop warming mask. Love is bliss! xo

sam lyall

I’m totally LOVING the American pancakes I’ve just made for breakfast whilst watching Penguin spy cam program. Cant beat P&P on a Tuesday morning. Thanks Jen for showing me your blog, it’s wonderful. X


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I am totally loving my new Illamasqua Fragile polish. More than I usually splash out on a polish at £14, but soooo worth it!

pauline henry

Right now I am loving my newly invented hobby – ‘fashion bus stop’. Gone are my days of grumbling over my 40 minute 4 mile commute to uni every day and instead I have embraced the bus stopping every two hundred yards as a possibility for fashion inspiration. It all started in winter 2012 when I couldn’t find the perfect coat then I started to actually look around me and I saw some amazing styles – sophisticated tailored coats with a pop of colour from a sparkly brooch, edgy army-style jackets glammed up with pretty winter dresses and a beautiful oxblood fluffy gilet! Since then I have gone from strength to strength and even plucked up the courage last week to ask a girl where she got her beautiful leopard print shoe-boots (which, for the record, I now own too!) I can’t wait for spring on the bus!

Amirah Valu

I am loving bright orange nail varnish, in particular H&M coral rose which was a bargain at 99p. It’s the inexpensive things that can really brighten your day.


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