The Second Hand Home Challenge

Posted in Home, Second Hand Shopping.

I’ve always been a homebody. I’ve lived in many different buildings – from the idyllic bungalow of my childhood to the tiny, modern flat of my early 20s – and each one has felt like a real home. When I’m settled, I love nothing more than curling up with a book and a blanket and whiling away afternoons in my own space. And if it happens to be raining outside, even better.

Rob and I moved into our first ‘proper house’ last week. It’s a towering, 4-storey Victorian terrace with spiral staircase, exposed beams and original oak doors. I’m in love. We’ve already added all the main stuff – sofa, beds, wardrobes (very important, that one) – but there’s still plenty of space to fill with treasure. And that’s where the Second Hand Home Challenge comes in.

Instead of rushing off to Ikea for every side table, lamp or mirror I decide I simply must have, I’ll scour charity shops, car boot sales and jumbles first. I’ll visit furniture warehouses, reclamation yards and auctions. I might even partake in a spot of skip diving, like my blogging inspiration Vix.

I want my house to have a story. Here’s how it’s looking so far…

the bedroom
The cushion on our bed has followed me to every house I’ve lived in. The throw was £11 from Primark.

The Chanel compacts were car boot sale finds, as was the brush. The jar and perfume atomiser were from charity shops and I picked up the silk scarf at a vintage fair.

This gilded gold mirror was £5.99 from a branch of St Gemma’s Hospice.


When I asked for sensible ways to store tights, lovely Alex said she kept hers rolled up in a vintage suitcase. Now I finally have the space to display this case I bought at a boot sale for £1 last year, I promptly stole her idea.

The doors are one of my favourite things about the house. They’re just beautiful, even if some of them (one being the bathroom door, unfortunately) don’t quite shut properly.

the living room

When the stove is lit, I can sit for hours watching the flames flicker. The candelabra and silver candlesticks are from charity shops and the oak mirror used to hang on the wall at my mum’s.

We needed somewhere to store logs for the stove and when I saw this wicker basket in a charity shop I knew it’d be perfect. It was expensive for second hand at £14.99, but similar styles sell for £45 on the high street.

I love yellow flowers. The glass jug was 50p from a boot sale and the china teacup is part of a set I picked up for £2.99 in a charity shop.

I couldn’t resist this ‘Home Sweet Home’ cushion when I saw it in Matalan. Not second hand, but still pretty and only £12, so I think it’s allowed. The owl was a present from a friend and the old fashioned phone was an amazing boot sale find at just £1.

the kitchen
Uncluttered worktops just aren’t my thing. From Cath Kidston mugs to some traditional-style scales picked up at TK Maxx and lots of Le Creuset bought by family – I love having things out on display.

Cake tins and a clock.

And finally, a spotty apron I snatched (well, nearly) from a volunteer’s hands as it went out on display – £1.99, St Gemma’s Hospice.

Next on the list is a coffee table – I’ll be hitting a furniture warehouse next week to hunt one down.

Will you be trying the Second Hand Home Challenge?



I really like what you’ve done so far Jen, it just looks so cute and cosy. I’m definitely going to be trying to do our house up with second hand stuff so I’m interested to see what other goodies you manage to scour.

E is for Eleanor

Your new home is so beautiful Jen, I’m jealous of all the space you have and all the wonderful things you’ve accessorised with already. A great challenge, and I can’t wait to see how it turns out.


Gem Fatale

TOO much love for this post, Jen! Your house looks absolutely dreamy. Can I be your houseguest please?! I have bookmarked this post for future inspiration and general nosiness.
When Alex & I have our own place, I will definitely be kitting it out in second hand. I do adore Ikea, but I think for my own ‘proper’ house, I want something more unique. We can’t afford furniture while we’re both students, so we have to keep renting furnished places. It’s handy but I do look forward to the day we can make a place look completely ‘us’.
And I didn’t know there was a Saint Gemma! How awesome! x

Tabitha B

Your house looks so quaint and gorgeous! I’d love to take part in the challenge, but unfortunately it’s a battle of wills in my house as my Ed is very big on the whole minimalist look! Ah well, there’s always my little boudoir to deck out with flowers and little trinkets!

T x


What a lovely home you ave there!

I try to do the Kirstie Allsopp thing of combining old with new. I love scouring for vintage pieces to add to my increasingly cluttered house 🙂

Katie xox

Penny Dreadful

Those doors really are lovely Jen, you must love having a new home to settle into. I particularly like the cushion on your bed, so pretty.

I’ve always bought most of my things second hand, and will keep doing so. It makes it so much more a home when you hold out for things that really reflect your personality and that you know you’ll really love xx


Your home is lovely Jen! I love what you have done so far…
I can’t wait to have a ‘proper’ house. My boyfriend and I are in a private rented student flat which is nice because it’s old and quaint not some prison-like student block! All of the main furniture was provided but everything that I have bought has been from a charity shop,flea market or off ebay! I think it gives a place much more character 🙂
The tight suitcase is also great *steals idea*
I have the same telephone as you too 🙂


Your house looks gorgeous so far. I can’t wait to have a place of my own to fill up with pretties!
It looks quite girly though, what does your boyfriend have to say about your taste in decor?


Love this post Jen, been wondering what your new place looks like and it really seems like a wonderful and comfy home. I love all the stuff in your bedroom and think the suitcase and tights is just a perfect idea. Can’t wait to see more second hand treasure, it’ll make your house so unique with old treasure =)


Your house is so beautiful! I really love that pink Primark throw too, the simple colour scheme of the bedroom is gorgeous! xoxo

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping]

Your house looks great so far – I wrote a post a while back about the difficulties of trying to furnish a house second hand. Mine isn’t yet -when we moved in we had the urgency of kids who needed wardrobes etc so there is a fair amount of warehouse pine – but I’m slowly trying to get it how I’d like it. Sometimes it’s hard waiting for the perfect piece when you’re sitting on the floor!

My panelled doors don’t shut properly either – and still don’t, 4.5 years in!


Oh Jen it’s GORGEOUS!! I am in love with those doors. I really need to get some more photos of my house up!

Em x

Ohh Jen it looks gorgeous, i can’t wait to see how you fill it. We have beams in our bedroom and living room and i love them xx

Vintage Vixen

It looks fabulous. You can’t beat a second-hand find to give a homely and unique feel. Don’t worry about doors not closing, that’s the beauty of living in an old house, or at least what I tell myself when I struggle with ours.
Love the gilt frame, I’d have snapped that beauty up in a heartbeat. xxx
Ps Thanks for the mention, I’m honoured.


I love this post, it really makes me want a home of my very own! Yours sounds lovely, four stories! Putting tights in a vintage suitcase is a great idea, I will definitely be looking out for some when I’m thrifting. I think a mix of old and new sounds great and full of character, love the owl cushion too!


congrats on the new house! you’ve made it so so lovely! i especialy love the gold mirror. When i eventually get my own house i aim to fill it with antique and charity shop finds. There’s something about every piece having a history that gives the room such a cosy atmospherexx


Oh Jen I am practically sick with jealousy. I want my own house but it ain’t ever going to happen 🙁

I shan’t begrudge you your lovely place though – you deserve it, especially after all that palaver with the other house you wanted. You’ve got such amazing taste. It all looks wonderful and I fully agree with the second hand shopping principle.

ps – yay for the tights! Stand them up on end for a full rainbow effect and to cram more in 😉

fritha louise

Jen you have a beautiful home. I can’t wait to see what else you do with it. I’m very jealous of your abilty to keep things uncluttered!
I’m sure this post will only serve to prolong the “constant daydreaming about having my own place” phase I seem to be going through at the moment.

Miss Lucy

Absolutely love the tights storage solution, wood burning stove and flowers galore. House is absolutely gorgeous hun, enjoy it x


Your house looks absolutely beautiful. It’s the sort of place I’d love to settle down – fancy a lodger? 😉 Hahaha. I’m definitely going to take on this challenge for my flat later this year. There’s so many beautiful pieces in charity shops and they’re so underrated. You’ve found some complete gems. I love the suitcase. I just love it all to be quite honest! Keep us updated 🙂

Kirsty B

Your home looks gorgeous! I just moved out of my parents into a uni flat and although I couldn’t do much, I loved buying bits and bobs for it. I can’t wait to be somewhere a bit more permanent so that I can make it all lovely.


Your new house is gorgeous, I’m so glad you were able to find somewhere so pretty! We have to move in the next year or so and I’m dreading it already!

Belle xx

i love your house! the trunk with your tights in is my favourite! I recently acquired one so may be stealing you ideal, which was stolen by alex!


Ah, such lovely rooms. I need to do some DIY on my flat – will start with getting all the walls painted and will then have a think about what items are needed and try to find period things that fit the flat from 2nd hand shops. xx


The new house looks beautiful. And it was such a great idea to get unique pieces for the house rather than the same old Ikea things that everyone has. I agree about the doors: they are beautiful.


Your home looks absolutely beautiful – I am in love! It really shows how with some thought an effort you can make a beautiful house really homely without a massive budget!

I definitely need a vintage suitcase now to store my tights! What a fantastic idea!

Another Little World

Hi Jen,
What a beautiful home you both have!
We have been in our house for nearly a year, even though it’s brand new its in a village area so I can get away with second hand furniture etc and keep that theme going.
I love buying furniture and painting it up (dinning table and chairs)I have bought a unit that I loved and had no idea what we needed it for but couldn’t leave it behind. It now serves a purpose in our living room for our glasses and bubbly!
I am stealing the fantastic idea for scarves too! x


I am not quite old enough for my own house yet… Much as I wish haha. However, I am obsessed with interior design and all things vintage, you’re house is beautiful!
I am stealing the tights-in-a-suitcase idea by the way 😛 XXX


Wow Jen it is beautiful!! I love how personal it is, and you have things that didn’t cost alot but are still stunning, I wish I could find things like that at carboots xxx


well you guys have made a really good start haven’t you. it’s looking up. your house is wonderful looking and it sounds massive. more updates i reckon


Love these kind of posts! Love the look of the rooms so far, the best part of a new home is finding wonderful things to add to it!


It looks gorgeous Jen, making your house a home is so satisfying and it’s lovely to see what you’ve done so far.
Me and Andy have spent 4 years (5 years in May) doing our house up. To say it was a bombsite is an understatement. We are finally getting there, and whilst I can’t say everything is second hand, we have items dotted around that give it a really nice feel.
I love the cushions, Matalan do have some fab home stuff, and snap on the wicker basket, mine holds my shoes on top of the wardrobe, from a selfridges hamper my dad had at Christmas.



Your house is beautiful, I really like it 🙂 I’m definitely going to keep my eyes out for a vintage suitcase now- perfect storage solution!

Maria xxx


Jen your home is stunning and so very you. I love every single room so far, and all of the little additions you have added are so lovely.
I am so inspired xxx


Wow, Jen, this is wonderful! Your new home is absolutely beautiful 🙂 I am moving into a new place this weekend and really want to find some lovely things to fill it with, so thank you for the inspiration xx

Ondo Lady

What a lovely home you have. It is gorgeous – stylish yet still homely and cosy. You are like me in being a homebody – I love snuggling under a duvet with a magazine or a book.


I love those ideas! OMG i simply must go and find a vintage suit case so I can display my tights like that…. I may need more room though…


Oh my goodness, I love your house! I have a flat and have decorated it and love it but can’t wait to have my own house to fill up and spread out all my quirky bits and bobs! Great work, would love to see future updates!! x


I am incredibly envious of a girl with her own home! I’m currently living in student digs and…everything we have is second hand, but most of it not nice second hand! Please keep us updated – from what you’ve got so far, your house will be the most beautiful on the terrace by far!

Annah xx


oh, your new home looks ever so beautiful, jen! i adore how all of the walls are white, it makes the rooms look so light and airy, plus i adore your vintage suitcase, gold mirror and wicker basket! looking forward to seeing what pieces you add to your home 🙂 x


did i say apartment? scratch that. i’m just too used to that word. i can’t wait to have an entire home to decorate someday!


You’ve done a great job so far!
When I move in with Matt in september we both want to keep things vintage, so will be doing s bit of old along with a bit of new I think, x


Your home is adorable. I can’t believe that bed throw is Primark! I was staring at it wondering where it was from and that it’s probably a one-off and then I scrolled down! Wonder if they’re still in store? I love carboots but there aren’t any good ones in central London, saying that, I live next to Portobello market but the prices have gone up a lot since it got all gentrified. I need to get some wheels under me to hit up the home counties on Sunday mornings. Carboots are so exciting as you never know what you’ll find. Looking forward to more pics of your fab decor.


I’m exactly the same – I’d rather have stuff in my house that had a history or a story to go with it. Most of our things are second hand and they hold memories with them. I also have the same owl cushion given to me by a friend! Emma


Bit late to the party, I know, but I’ve just stumbled across your blog. Am flicking back through the posts, and just wanted to say that your home is really beautiful!

Roxanna Evita

I’m in love! Your home is so gorgeous, and it’s making me want to go on the vintage home-wares spree to end all vintage home-wares sprees! <3


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