Second Hand Home – the Challenge Continues

Posted in Home, Second Hand Shopping.

If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ll know a few months ago I vowed to furnish my house with second hand pieces, and have been documenting my progress ever since. A recent burst of homemaking (read – being at home all day attempting to work but getting distracted) means I’ve organised some of my car boot and charity shop finds and, erm, acquired some new ones. So here’s an update on the Second Hand Home Challenge…


This pretty gilded mirror was £1.50 from Sunday’s car boot sale and hangs halfway up our winding staircase. Reflected in it I’m wearing a Primark blouse, Topshop jeans and thrifted cashmere cardi!

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This hamper looked a lot different (and really confused Rob, hence the note!) when I bought it for £3 at a car boot sale a few months ago. I recovered it using leftover material from my dining room chairs project and added a cute crochet trim to cover up my terrible staple job. It resides in our bedroom and holds spare blankets.


The suitcase was a £2 car boot purchase – I think I’m slightly obsessed. We’ve had the ‘home’ door stop for years and I bought the glass vase from Ikea. The flower was swiped from the garden and was probably the only living thing left out there.


I’m trying to build up a collection of vintage tea sets for my wedding (that’s as far as our planning goes at the moment), but I’m running out of storage space. This stack (which includes one more cup and saucer) was picked up for £1 at a car boot and sits on my desk.

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The £2 car boot typewriter has featured here before, but its permanent resting place is here in my office (clearly I’m trying to capture the romantic spirit of writing in my place of work). It sits atop two vintage suitcases, picked up at different car boots for £5 (bottom) and £1 (middle) respectively.

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Finally, my newest purchase and current love of my life – the 1970s mahogany coffee table I scooped at Sunday’s car boot for just £7. The man selling it was such a sweetheart – he wanted £12 but I’d been too busy buying mirrors and cordless phones and only had £7 (and a load of coppers which I also handed over) left. I tried to protest when he said ‘go on then’ but I think he could tell by the shine in my eyes that it was going to a good home. He had restored it himself so lectured me about the high importance of coasters before I was allowed to take it home.

Also feature: striped rug from Ikea, cream metal jug from Dunelm Mill, ceramic jug (background) from Ikea, silver candelabra (background) from a charity shop and the teacup and saucer candle was a gift from a friend. The guitars (both electric and acoustic there) are Rob’s and Red and Vogue are my magazine must-haves.


A Thrifty Mrs

Your home is looking great Jen. Isn’t it a fantastic feeling furnishing and decorating your surroundings with beautiful and cheap items? I get a real buzz from it.
I love that mirror and the Lloyd Loom style hamper.


Your home is so sweet! I love the gilded mirror, I picked up a similar one from my local furniture charity shop for a fiver. I love this challenge I’m totally on board with it! I like the feeling of having pieces with character for bargainous prices 🙂
Rachelle xxx


My Mum and I are literally ohh-inh and ahh-ing over all of these pictures. Your house is looking gorgeous Jen and when I have my own place I am definitely going to try furnish it in this way. The items you’ve picked up are beautiful and so cheap too, amazing! I think you should do a video of you home so we can see it all hehe, I’m so nosy

Bow Dream Nation xx


It is all lovely! Particularly like your mirror, and that coffee table was a complete bargain. I don’t think husband and I actually own any new furniture. Everything has come from family or gumtree or charity shops. 🙂


The yellow gold of that mirror is gorgeous (great photo) and i really like that typewriter. It’s all coming together so nicely. Some car booter are real salt of the earth types aren’t they?


Lovely photos!
Your home looks so pretty and you have some great vintage finds – all for good prices too. I really like the mirror in the first photo and the 70s table.
Do you just buy whatever catches your eye or do you go out with an idea – like ‘I could do with a table’?



Oh Jen, isn’t it coming along beautifully? I’m a bit of a suitcaseaholic too so it’s probably a good job that I don’t see them around that often or the house would be overrun. Your blue stack is absolutely beautiful.

ps – I had a good giggle at the note!


I am loving every single thing I’m seeing here! I got myself a lovely mirror just like that one in a charity auction recently and I can’t wait to move house and find it a home!


I love the vintage suitcases! I’m moving next week and have no idea how I’m going to decorate my new place…I really wish we had car boots in London. I’m probably going to have to make a trip to Ikea. x

Miss Raj

wow, your home looks absolutely beautiful! We have exactly the same sofas as you if I’m seeing right and it’s so odd/fun to see how the exact same piece of furniture can fit so perfectly into two completely different rooms. I especially love your mirror though – when you come away with ANYTHING for £1.50, you gotta give yourself a pat of the shoulder. Looks beautiful, keep going 🙂 xx

Mathilde heart Manech

Wow. Love the mirror and table. This post has given me and the OH the motivation to learn to drive so we can skip around the country thrifting away! Car boots are no fun if you can’t carry it back with you!


You’re doing so well with this! I especially love the cups – A mixture of vintage crockery is so much more interesting than one straight set (I think). xo

Funny Little Frog

Your whole house looks gorgeous.
My cousin had tea cups and saucers as the centre pieces for her wedding, which was English country themed and they looked so cute xxx

Em x

I loved this post Jen, everything is beautiful.
I wanted to collect vintage plates etc for my wedding but everyone else thinks i’m mad.


Wow your second hand finds are amazing and your house looks beautiful. Definitely going to be tracking down some car boot sales over the next few weeks. Also who knew that St.Gemma’s could be such an Aladdin’s cave?!

Rachel - Firebird

I am an absolutely sucker for interior posts, I think I enjoy them more than fashion ones. Some gorgeous finds and a beutifully presented home too. It looks like it reflects your personal clothing style, if that makes sense!

The Style Box

I don’t even know where to start on this post!! Those teacups are so amazing! And I can’t believe that mirror was £1.50!! You really are the queen of thrift! 🙂 x


I love reading your second hand home posts so much. I tihnk that coffee table is definitely my favourite thing you’ve featured so far – it is gorgeous!


This is incredible! I love seeing how well other people do at car boots, it is actually inspiring and really makes me want to go to one! The mirror and teacups are a personal favourite and the coffee table is such a barg for £7! Would love to see mroe posts like this x


Can I come live in your house please?
It’s so nice and although I never find nice stuff like this in car boot sales I’m in love!! Haha


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